[IRPCoalition] The IRPC SC elections are about to begin (apologies for the delay!)

minda moreira mindamoreira at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 22 20:57:08 EET 2024

Dear all,

I hope you are enjoying a great start to the new year.

Thank you all for your input and continued interest on the work of this coalition: we look forward to a fruitful 2024!
The IRPC Steering Committee is currently looking back at the IRPC activities last year: our participation at IGF and NRIs events, our contribution to the Global Digital Compact and our presence at the Council of Europe's CDMSI meetings, as well as the work on new translations of 10 Principles and the Charter (the Japanese translation is currently underway).

Apologies for the slight delay of the IRPC Steering Committee and co-chair elections. I will be taking the role of election officer this year and the call for nominations is reaching your inboxes in the next few minutes.
As always, IRPC members are encouraged to (self) nominate for the open positions (Steering Committee and co-chair) and to later vote for the selected candidates.
Your contribution and active involvement is essential to keep the IRPC and its work alive and relevant.

Many thanks and  best wishes,
[on behalf of the IRPC SC]
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