[IRPCoalition] Self-Nomination for the IRPC SC (Co-Chair)

Michael J. Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 10:36:11 EET 2024

Good morning / afternoon everyone,

Not only do I *second* Dennis' nomination, but I am fully confident that
the IRPC will be in good hands with him (especially if the current Steering
Committee members stay on for another term if they can/want). Working with
Dennis has always been a pleasure, and I'm sure he'll do well in this role,

Kind regards,
-Michael Oghia

On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 8:20 PM Dennis Redeker <dennisredeker at gmail.com>

> Dear members of the IRPC,
> I want to make a start and throw my hat into the ring for the vacant
> co-chair position of the steering committee of our Coalition.
> Let me (re-)introduce myself to you. I am a political scientist (postdoc)
> at the University of Bremen, Germany. My research and teaching takes place
> at the newly created Platform Governance Lab at the Centre for Media,
> Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI). Human rights both from a
> scholarly perspective and as a matter of advocacy are my vocation. I am a
> member of the current IRPC Steering Committee, and I now would like to
> serve the Coalition in a new role.
> I started to be active in Internet governance in 2017, I attended global
> IGFs, several EuroDIG meetings (and a YouthDIG), and several national IGFs
> (Germany, USA). I co-organized IGF workshops in 2018, 2021 , 2022 and 2023
> (Paris/Katowice/Addis Ababa/Kyoto). I am also a member of GigaNet - a
> network of IG scholars. In 2019, I co-founded the Digital Constitutionalism
> Network (DCN), an interdisciplinary network of IG scholars interested in
> human rights & the Internet, and dedicated to outreach beyond the ivory
> tower.
> The DCN focusses on Internet rights charters and declarations and has thus
> far collected more than 300 such documents (the Charter being one of the
> most prominent examples), see digitalconstitutionalism.org/database. As a
> DCN member, I co-organized panels at conferences and summer schools in
> which other IRPC members presented the Charter and the work of the
> coalition.
> At the University of Bremen, my teaching portfolio includes classes such
> as „Global Internet Governance“, „Global Governance of Digital Tech“,
> „Actors and Institutions in Internet Governance“, and (most fittingly)
> „Human Rights in the Digital Age“. In addition, I have been working on
> topics such as digital skills in small island states (consulting for the
> ITU) and researched various questions related to the Internet and human
> rights (e.g, as a visiting researcher at New York University and Harvard‘s
> Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, and a fellow at the
> Bochum-based Center for Advanced Internet Studies). So much for the bio.
> As part of the steering committee, I helped organize workshops at the IGF,
> remotely in 2022 and on the ground in 2023. Specifically, I led a number of
> the applications works workshops/a booth/etc. for IGF23 in Kyoto (not all
> successful - we did not get a booth!). Prior to the meeting I worked with a
> great translator to get our 10 Principles translated into Japanese, and we
> distributed the flyers at the Forum. With additional support (new Coalition
> members!) from Japanese scholars, we set up a task force to translate the
> charter into Japanese. We hope to launch it at this year’s Asia-Pacific
> Regional IGF (Taiwan) or IGF Japan.
> Here are my plans for a possible steering committee co-chair term
> 2024-2026:
> - Support IRPC sessions at IGF and beyond: I want to focus my work on
> bringing the Charter to even more fora and communities, while defending
> (and contributing to) the Coalition‘s strong position within the IGF
> ecosystem. Specifically, I plan to initiate IRPC contributions to EuroDIG
> (2024 will be in Lithuania) and to support IRPC session submissions and
> organization for the next two IGF meetings in Saudi Arabia (we gotta talk
> about that!) and Norway.
> -  In addition, I would support the role of IRCP in co-hosting of Internet
> human rights events in between larger IG meetings (but thematically
> focussed on the coalition's IGF session topics and priorities).
> - Defend participation by as many as possible in IG! This is crucial
> against the background of the GDC and the WSIS+20 review.
> - Finalize and launch the translation of the Charter into Japanese! I also
> want to fundraise to get print copies printed and shipped to places where
> they matter.
> - More (stakeholder) diversity: I would prioritize greater stakeholder
> diversity among active membership and in the official positions of the
> Coalition. The private sector, the technical community, and public
> institutions are important partners, who are pivotal in realizing the
> rights and principles outlined in the Charter.
> - Importantly, I would prioritize internal processed that provide more
> updates from the steering committee to the list (because we do great work!)
> and strengthen internal meeting and information management for the SC.
> I hope to be able to convince you that I would be a suitable co-chair of
> our steering committee. It would be an honor to serve you.
> Thank you for taking the time to read this candidate statement.
> Best wishes,
> Dennis Redeker
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