[IRPCoalition] IRPC Steering Committee and Co-Chair Elections 2020 - Marianne F statement

Michael J. Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 14:05:24 EET 2021

Thank you very much Marianne!


On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 12:36 PM Marianne Franklin <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>

> Dear all,
> Thank you Robert for nominating me as SC member of the IRPC for another
> term, and for those who have seconded this nomination. I am happy to stand
> one more time as the work of the IRPC in Internet Governance spaces - part
> of its commitment to promoting and disseminating the Charter of Human
> Rights and Principles for the Internet - remain vibrant and formative
> contributions to this domain.
> As I have been around for a while now, will keep my statement brief and
> also because Robert summarized below the main points of my time with the
> IRPC as former co-Chair and SC member. For those who are new to the list, I
> am one of those who was there at the outset and I have been privileged to
> be able to first observe, and then contribute to the coalition's
> establishment and its development of the Charter.
> My main objectives for this next term if elected by our community would be
> - to continue supporting the ongoing (co)Chair, Minda Moreira and incoming
> SC in projects and agenda-setting that the IRPC has played a key role in
> moving forward or indeed introducing to the IG agenda; Greening the
> Internet; refugee rights online; the right to Development and the
> Environment as these both pertain to other fundamental rights and freedoms
> in the online environment. All these topics are articulated in the Charter
> itself and we have come some way in 'drilling down' deeper into applying
> these rights and principles in real-life consultations about internet
> design, terms of access and use, and data-gathering
> - this support I will offer in terms of my role as an IRPC representative
> in the coalition's Observer role at the Council of Europe CDMSI and as
> coordinator of the Charter Booklet Project
> - The latter I will continue to promote and facilitate as more
> translations, based in the work of communities in these language areas, are
> completed and then published in the IRPC Booklet format; the Italian
> edition alongside the Georgian edition are two of the latest to reach their
> final stages. I have learned much from working with all language editions
> since we embarked on this project back in 2014.
> - I will also continue to support initiatives at IG meetings such as the
> annual UN-hosted IGF meeting, the EuroDIG meetings, UK IGF and others.
> Minda's untiring and inspiring leadership in her terms as coalition
> (co)Chair has been very encouraging as this year we have a range of new SC
> candidates from all around the world ready to step up and move the work
> forward.
> - I will also continue to bring this work into university curricula, and
> related research communities as the Charter and like-minded frameworks
> across all sectors become a focus for policy analysis, best practice
> examples, and topics for debate.
> Our human rights online - and offline - continue to be worth fighting for.
> They remain fragile, open to corrosion and attack by forces looking to
> claim that as the world becomes increasingly digitalized and
> internet-dependent such human rights are 'obvious' or 'self-explanatory'
> when we go online (which is increasingly the norm). This assumption was not
> taken as read back in 2010 when the IRPC first formed and the first ideas
> and draft for the Charter began - on this list. The IRPC SC is charged with
> representing our maturing coalition in the IG domain and also promoting and
> developing the Charter which, from its earliest drafts and in the form it
> has today, underscores how much has been achieved yet also how much still
> needs to be done.
> It would be a privilege to serve on this incoming SC, support Minda,
> deepen the application of the Charter in practice, and continue to support
> the Dynamic Coalitions as key constituencies of the IGF itself.
> Thank you
> MF
> On 09/01/2021 04:14, Bodle, Robert [School of Arts & Humanities] wrote:
> Dear all,
> I would enthusiastically like to nominate Marianne Franklin for Steering
> Committee Member for 2021-23, and request seconders.
> I’d like to take a brief moment to recognize Marianne for her past
> leadership of IRP SC for over a decade: organizing IGF workshops, raising
> the profile of IRPC within IGF Ministerial Meetings, spearheading drafting
> of the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet,
> coordinating and publishing the multiple translations and iterations,
> championing the Charter in many official venues and chambers, drafting
> recommendations as an Observer for the Steering Committee on Media and
> Information –Council of Europe, actively capacity building for our Dynamic
> Coalition, coordinating among other DCs to help lift up all Dynamic
> Coalitions to support Human Rights for all.
> I hope Marianne can serve as SC Member once again, in support of our
> chair, Minda, for the upcoming year or so, in order provide continuity, and
> continued expertise, dedication, heart, and soul.
> I wish you all solidarity and health in these uncertain times.
> Sincerely,
> Robert Bodle
> Former IRPC Co-Chair (2013–2015), Academic, USA
> Robert Bodle, Ph.D.
> rofessor
> Communication and New Media Studies
> Mount St. Joseph University
> Cincinnati, OH 45233-1670
> (513) 244-4829
> https://msj.academia.edu/RobertBodle
> ------------------------------
> *From:* IRP <irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
> <irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org> on behalf of Michael
> J. Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com> <mike.oghia at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, January 8, 2021 7:20 AM
> *To:* Deirdre Williams
> *Cc:* IRPCoalition; IRP
> *Subject:* Re: [IRPCoalition] IRPC Steering Committee and Co-Chair
> Elections 2020
> Thank you so much June, and to you too Deirdre for seconding. Duly noted!
> Best,
> -Michael
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 12:57 PM Deirdre Williams <
> williams.deirdre at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I will be very happy to second you June.
>> Deirdre
>> On Fri, 8 Jan 2021 at 07:03, June Parris <parrisjune51 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Sorry for the late intervention. If I am not too late, I would like to
>>> nominate myself to stand again on the IRPC sub committee , will need a
>>> seconded.
>>> Regards
>>> June Parris
>>> On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 06:27, <info at irpcharter.org> wrote:
>>>> This email is an announcement regarding the upcoming Internet Rights
>>>> and Principles Coalition (IRPC) Elections.
>>>> *Timeline*
>>>> *Nominations*: 15 - 29 December 2020
>>>> *Elections*: 30 December 2020 - 13 January 2021
>>>> For 2021-23 we have positions for *one incoming co-chair* and *five
>>>> steering committee members*.
>>>> Below you will find the nomination and election procedure, which
>>>> includes ideal criteria (roles and responsibilities, areas of interest and
>>>> expertise) for each position.
>>>> (Self) nominations for any of these positions are open until 29
>>>> December 2020. All (self-) nominations require a seconder and a brief
>>>> statement of intent.
>>>> *The voting will be open from 30 December 2020 – 13 January 2021. *
>>>> *Procedure and Guidelines for Nominees: *
>>>>    - Invite (self) nominations for Co-Chairs and Steering Committee
>>>>    Members. Each candidate provides a short profile statement to include a
>>>>    short bio as pertains to their intended role in the Coalition, as well as a
>>>>    short statement of how they will work towards the Coalition’s continued
>>>>    success and development.
>>>>    - Set up a survey monkey and hold elections – or a poll to endorse
>>>>    current and incoming officers if nominations not contested - for incoming
>>>>    Co-Chair and Steering Committee Member/s.
>>>>    - Both Co-Chairs and Steering Committee Members to be
>>>>    (self)-nominated, a seconder is required.
>>>>    - Ongoing Steering Committee members including Co-Chairs, cannot
>>>>    nominate or second.
>>>>    - IRPC Co-Chairs serve for two years.
>>>>    - Steering Committee Members (total of 9) are elected for two years
>>>>    with a nominal maximum of two terms (4 years). After two terms, an SC
>>>>    member either steps down or stands for a renewed two-year term.
>>>>    This criterion applies to the outgoing Co-Chair position-holder on
>>>>    completion of the succeeding two-year term.
>>>>    - Steering Committee Members and Co-Chair positions are elected
>>>>    independently.
>>>>    - The IRPC aims to represent stakeholders of diverse and
>>>>    historically underrepresented backgrounds, as well as seeks gender and
>>>>    geographical balance.
>>>> *Qualifications: *
>>>> *Co-Chair *
>>>>    - Experience with the IGF and/or related internet governance
>>>>    consultations and meetings and the IRP Coalition for at least one year.
>>>>    - Can demonstrate an understanding and commitment to the IRP
>>>>    Coalition’s Aims (see:
>>>>    http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/dynamiccoalitions/72-ibr
>>>>    <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.intgovforum.org%2Fcms%2Fdynamiccoalitions%2F72-ibr&data=04%7C01%7Cm.i.franklin%40gold.ac.uk%7C5d07ecc92bb043f50d2908d8b3e8ceaf%7C0d431f3f20c1461c958a46b29d4e021b%7C0%7C0%7C637457159789075730%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=%2Bru4kUUCzt2ukLWFzA86rl1XtGqYLP7VzgeRWT1fmdE%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>    )
>>>>    - Preferably, demonstrate knowledge of the procedures of the
>>>>    Internet Governance Forum
>>>>    - Knowledge of the IRPC’s work and output since 2008 and provide
>>>>    insights into how they envisage taking the IRP Charter forward based on
>>>>    achievements to date.
>>>>    - Can provide a vision for how the IRP Coalition can contribute to
>>>>    the future of the IGF and advance the IRPC Charter work within the IGF and
>>>>    beyond.
>>>>    - Able to consolidate ongoing collaborations with partners from all
>>>>    sectors and forge new ones.
>>>> *Steering Committee Member *
>>>>    - Experience with the IRPC for at least one year.
>>>>    - Demonstrate experience and knowledge of IG related themes, human
>>>>    rights and IG Principles in particular.
>>>>    - Adherence to the Coalition’s Aims (see:
>>>>    http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/dynamiccoalitions/72-ibr
>>>>    <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.intgovforum.org%2Fcms%2Fdynamiccoalitions%2F72-ibr&data=04%7C01%7Cm.i.franklin%40gold.ac.uk%7C5d07ecc92bb043f50d2908d8b3e8ceaf%7C0d431f3f20c1461c958a46b29d4e021b%7C0%7C0%7C637457159789085729%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=YM2CVjYCUejcro3aIRqZmbIMffJExkuPcR4hahMFd0M%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>    )
>>>>    - Preferably, some knowledge and understanding of the procedures of
>>>>    the Internet Governance Forum.
>>>>    - Demonstrate a commitment to the aims and objectives of the IRPC
>>>>    Charter of Human Rights and Principles of the Internet
>>>>    - Indicate what roles and responsibilities they can carry as an SC
>>>>    member
>>>>    - Able and willing to respond to SC emails and meeting calls in a
>>>>    reasonable time.
>>>> *Timeline and polling: *
>>>>    - Nominations for new officers will be open for two weeks starting
>>>>    today, 15 December
>>>>    - Elections will be open for two weeks starting 30 December.
>>>> IRPC list members will (i) vote or endorse (if uncontested) nominees
>>>> using an anonymized online polling tool.
>>>> In case you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
>>>> Warm regards,
>>>> -Michael J. Oghia
>>>> IRPC Steering Committee Member (2020-2022) & election officer
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IRP mailing list
>>>> IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
>>>> https://lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org/mailman/listinfo/irp
>>>> <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.internetrightsandprinciples.org%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Firp&data=04%7C01%7Cm.i.franklin%40gold.ac.uk%7C5d07ecc92bb043f50d2908d8b3e8ceaf%7C0d431f3f20c1461c958a46b29d4e021b%7C0%7C0%7C637457159789085729%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=%2FwSeZpMo%2BMjP%2BMAde8XLLRJDbmwB0Xx2CyqQAQcFkaU%3D&reserved=0>
>>> --
>>> June PARRIS
>>> Research Associate
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>> --
>> “The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir William
>> Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
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> _______________________________________________
> IRP mailing listIRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.orghttps://lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org/mailman/listinfo/irp
> --
> Marianne Franklin (PhD)
> Professor of Global Media and Politics
> Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications MA Programhttps://www.gold.ac.uk/pg/ma-global-media-transnational-communications/
> Goldsmiths University of London
> Department of Media, Communications, and Cultural Studies
> New Cross, London SE14 6NW
> Tel: +44 207 9197072
> Email: <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk> <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
> Twitter: @GloComm
> Staff Webpage: https://www.gold.ac.uk/media-communications/staff/franklin/
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> IRP mailing list
> IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
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