[IRPCoalition] Fwd: CDMSI - revised Draft Final Declaration and Draft resolution on the impact of the health crisis

info at irpcharter.org info at irpcharter.org
Mon Dec 14 14:06:29 EET 2020

Dear all,

Please find attached the revised texts, which include the feedback from CDMSI members and observers. 

Best wishes,

> From: SZELEZNIAK Joanna <Joanna.SZELEZNIAK at coe.int <mailto:Joanna.SZELEZNIAK at coe.int>>
> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:12 PM
> Cc: CHISCA Artemiza-Tatiana <Artemiza-Tatiana.CHISCA at coe.int <mailto:Artemiza-Tatiana.CHISCA at coe.int>>; DODONOVA Elena <Elena.DODONOVA at coe.int <mailto:Elena.DODONOVA at coe.int>>; UMEK Urska <Urska.UMEK at coe.int <mailto:Urska.UMEK at coe.int>>; LUCCHESE Giulia <Giulia.LUCCHESE at coe.int <mailto:Giulia.LUCCHESE at coe.int>>; WULFRAN Dominique <Dominique.WULFRAN at coe.int <mailto:Dominique.WULFRAN at coe.int>>
> Subject: CDMSI - revised Draft Final Declaration and Draft resolution on the impact of the health crisis
> Message on behalf of Artemiza-Tatiana Chisca 
> Dear CDMSI members, participants, observers,
> Please find attached the Draft Nicosia Resolution on the impact of the health crisis on freedom of expression as well as the Draft Final Declaration revised in the light of the comments received. In the absence of a reaction before 20 December, the Secretariat will consider the texts agreed and will subsequently transmit them to the GR-H for consideration.
> Best regards,
> ***
> Message au nom de Artemiza-Tatiana Chisca 
> Chers membres du CDMSI, participants, observateurs,
> Veuillez trouver ci-joint le Projet de résolution de Nicosie sur l'impact de la crise sanitaire sur la liberté d'expression ainsi que le Projet de déclaration finale révisé à la lumière des commentaires reçus. En l'absence de réaction avant le 20 décembre, le Secrétariat considéra les textes convenus et les transmettra ensuite au GR-H pour examen.
> Bien cordialement,
> The CDMSI Secretariat
> Joanna Szelezniak
> Information Society Department
> DGI - Information Society - Action against Crime Directorate
> Council of Europe - Conseil de l'Europe
> AGORA Building - Office C451V
> FR-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
> +33 3 90 21 58 47
> joanna.szelezniak at coe.int <mailto:joanna.szelezniak at coe.int>
> www.coe.int/en/ <http://www.coe.int/en/%0dweb/human-rights-rule-of-law/information-society-and-action-against-crime-directorate>web/human-rights-rule-of-law/information-society-and-action-against-crime-directorate <http://www.coe.int/en/%0dweb/human-rights-rule-of-law/information-society-and-action-against-crime-directorate>	

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