[IRPCoalition] Co-chair nomination and SC self-nomination

Michael J. Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 18:52:59 EET 2019

Dear IRPC members,

With this email, I would like to offer two nominations. One is for the
nomination of *M**inda Moreira* to reprise her role as *co-chair* over the
2020-2022 period. She has done a phenomenal job with Marianne and the IRPC
Steering Committee to ensure climate issues as well as other issues such as
the rights of refugees, migrants, and other marginalised groups are on the
agenda. I am excited for IRPC's path forward, and I am confident she can
continue to lead well.

For the second nomination, I am officially *self-nominating myself* for the
open *IRPC Steering Committee* position. The opening of this position comes
at an ideal time, which I hope my statement of intent below affirms. Should
anyone else support my nomination, I would be grateful for a second.

*Statement of intent*

My name is Michael J. Oghia, I live in Belgrade, Serbia, and I am currently
the advocacy and engagement manager for the Global Forum for Media
Development (GFMD). I have been involved with the IGF community and wider
Internet governance ecosystem since 2015, and have been actively searching
for an appropriate position where I could serve as an advisor. Not only do
I meet all the criteria of a successful IRPC Steering Committee member, but
the shifting focus of the IRPC to the relationship between human rights,
the environment, and ICT sustainability provides an ideal space for me to
contribute my expertise and the networks I have built since I began writing
about and advocating for these issues in 2016. I am confident that, if
elected, I could help shape the IRPC's engagement strategy going forward,
be a vital resource for the community, and also take full advantage of my
existing experience and connections to other IGF Dynamic Coalitions to the
benefit of the IRPC. I have been closely involved in planning the last two
IRPC sessions at the IGF, and I look forward to generating even more
positive momentum going forward. In addition to my experience with Internet
governance and ICT sustainability, I have also worked in conflict
resolution, journalism & media, policy, and development for almost 10 years
across five countries: the US, Lebanon, India, Turkey, and Serbia. I'm
happy to answer any questions you may have, and  encourage to check out my
LinkedIn <https://linkedin.com/in/mikeoghia> for more information. Thank
you for your time and consideration!


Michael J. Oghia | Advocacy & Engagement Manager
Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD <https://gfmd.info>)
Belgrade, Serbia | Twitter <https://www.twitter.com/MikeOghia> | LinkedIn
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