[IRPCoalition] IGF Paris 2018 - Updates on all the IRPC activities there - do join us!

Lee W McKnight lmcknigh at syr.edu
Sat Nov 3 19:41:29 EET 2018

Hi Marianne,

Belatedly checking in again with IRP friends and colleagues.

Please also meet my Syracuse University School of Information Studies colleague, Sarah Weber, Director, Corporate, Government, and Foundation Relations.

Sarah and I will be participating in various events @ the IGF, and demoing the Internet Backpack to be deployed  in a national pilot project in Liberia: https://news.syr.edu/blog/2018/09/27/ischool-to-lead-partnership-expanding-internet-connectivity-in-liberia/

The Internet Backpack's edgeware platform will also bring - decentralized human rights - specifically the #My31 app which is out now to establish our ownership of our own data; as well as an Electronic Health Record. First, we aim to get the country from 7% connectivity to 40%, within 3 years of (funded) project launch. The MOU establishing the public-private -philanthropic partnership with a build - transfer - operate model has been signed, as  is announced in the linked story below.

Sarah and I look forward to discussing and participating with DCIRP in Paris!



iSchool to Lead Partnership Expanding Internet Connectivity in Liberia – Syracuse University News<https://news.syr.edu/blog/2018/09/27/ischool-to-lead-partnership-expanding-internet-connectivity-in-liberia/>

From: IRP <irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org> on behalf of Marianne Franklin <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 5:12:19 AM
Subject: [IRPCoalition] IGF Paris 2018 - Updates on all the IRPC activities there - do join us!

Dear all

This email is to let you all know that the coalition has an exciting, and busy program of contributions to the upcoming IGF meeting in Paris 12-14th November.

Minda will follow up with the full details as these are currently being finalized but as a taster, the IRPC will be hosting, with other partners;

- A session on Rights, Internet governance, and the Environment (Built and Natural); here we aim to establish an agenda going forward. Join us, and others from local governments such as the city of Amsterdam, Barcelona, and New York along with representatives from Pacific Island nations and civil society groups addressing the toxicity, and rights implications of cloud-based services and computer manufacture. \

- A session, continuing our work putting refugee rights and internet governance into these policy discussions, on refugees, rights, and the online environment where Amnesty international and government representatives will participate

- A flash session - just announced - on Human rights and Emerging Technologies.

_ And, we can welcome all of you to our very own booth at the IGF. You will not be able to miss that booth as we will be festooning it with the Charter Booklet and Coalition colours.

IF you plan to be there, in person or remotely, please do not forget to register by the end of this week; 3rd November.

More details to follow.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes


Marianne Franklin, PhD
Professor of Global Media and Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Goldsmiths University of London
Department of Media, Communications, and Cultural Studies
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 207 9197072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk><mailto:m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Chair: Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)
Co-Chair: Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (IRPC)

Editor: Human Rights and the Internet Series, openDemocracy


MA Global Media & Transnational Communications | Goldsmiths, University of London<http://www.gold.ac.uk/pg/ma-global-media-transnational-communications/>
Examine contemporary changes in media and communications with the MA Global Media & Transnational Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London.

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