[IRPCoalition] Book release today: Data Ethics - The New Competitive Advantage

gry gryhasselbalch at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 13:23:14 EET 2016

Dear all

Today our book Data Ethics - The New Competitive Advantage is coming out.
In the book we are mapping a legal, cultural and business movement that we
think potentially can help transforming the current surveillance by default
online infrastructure. The book is a trend analysis with more than 50
business cases, interviews with policymakers and experts etc. illustrating
how respect for privacy and data ethics are no longer just a legal
requirement and a question of mere legal compliance, but are becoming key
parameters to gain a competitive edge for businesses.

See more about the book here (and in the attached release note):
(with info on how to get it. Preferably directly from the authors and not
the data monopoly Amazon)



Gry Hasselbalch
ThinkDoTank: www.dataethics.eu/en
 +45 29827374

*I've quit gmail and would appreciate it if you use this email address when
contacting me from now on: gry at mediamocracy.neomailbox.net
<gry at mediamocracy.neomailbox.net>*
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