[IRPCoalition] Principles on privacy & freedom of expression - A19 consultation

Gabrielle Guillemin gabrielle at article19.org
Wed Jun 8 20:00:12 EEST 2016

Dear all, 

With apologies for cross-posting, 

ARTICLE 19 has just launched a public consultation on principles on privacy and freedom of expression. The principles look at the ways in which privacy and freedom of expression are mutually reinforcing but also areas where they conflict (both online and offline). More details about the purpose of this iniative, process, the principles and a background paper on these issues are available from here: https://www.article19.org/resources.php/resource/38397/en/consultation-open:-principles-on-privacy-and-freedom-of-expression 

The consultation is open until end of August. 

Kind regards, 


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