Carolina Rossini carolina.rossini at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 20:37:43 EEST 2015

A bunch of you have asked if there is more information. No, there is not
much besides the documents I sent in my initial email. Probably because it
will be launched on the 27th.

and talking to folks at the State Department, I have learned that:

there are 3 main goals here:
- make sure countries understand internet connectivity as a core
infrastructure need as things like "electricity", "water" etc, are
- build more and better public-private partnerships to address digital
divide, including partnering with develop country based companies to
deliver internet in the developing country;
- find and show case policies that have contributed to digital inclusion
(here they have been in contact with the A4AI and also NSRC at University
of Oregon)

Ars Technica also published a short piece:


and from PK:

It will be a multi-year effort, so this is also a way of getting involved
and deciding how (and actually if) later

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:53 AM, Carolina Rossini <
carolina.rossini at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> (sorry for cross-posting, but time is short)
> The US, with support from a series of other countries, are launching a new
> initiative to spur access to internet called Global Connect. With the help
> of some from here we have written a statement that will soon be put up for
> signatures at the Best Bits platform.
> You can read it here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q4QTeD0Ejl-yRK0GUke4vNBqx42n6E82yyyvdnTa1vE/edit?usp=sharing
> And if you are willing, you are welcome to sign on there. I can later move
> your signature to the BB platform.
> I kindly ask you to take a look at it and decide if your organization can
> support it. I will send to the Department of State tomorrow and a couple of
> folks who will be present in the launch this Sunday will present it during
> the audience participation time of the event.
> Here a short press-release PK published yesterday:
> https://www.publicknowledge.org/press-release/public-knowledge-welcomes-state-department-initiative-to-expand-broadband-deployment-to-the-world
> If you are based in NY and want to go to the event, see details for RSVP
> below.
> More details below.
> Best, Carolina
> --
> *Carolina Rossini *
> *Vice President, International Policy*
> *Public Knowledge*
> *http://www.publicknowledge.org/ <http://www.publicknowledge.org/>*
> + 1 6176979389 | skype: carolrossini | @carolinarossini
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bhardwaj, Manu
> Date: Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 9:26 AM
> Subject: RE: Secretary Kerry's remarks today on global internet
> connectivity
> To: Ann Mei Chang
> Friends and colleagues:
> We are pleased to invite you to a high-level panel discussion on *Development
> in the Digital Age* co-hosted by Estonia, the USA and the World Bank
> Group on September 27th at 11 AM in UNHQ.   At this special event, we will
> be joined by the Presidents of Estonia, Tanzania and the World Bank, among
> other foreign ministers and dignitaries.
> The format will be a panel discussion. During the question-and-answer
> session, we would welcome any interested representatives to deliver a
> statement on the benefits of broadband as fundamental infrastructure and
> vital for the international development agenda.  This event will be open to
> the press.  Attached is the Save-the-Date for the event and full concept
> note.
> Next week, we look forward to unveiling more details about our new
> diplomatic initiative first previewed by the Secretary of State in Korea
> earlier this summer.   Space is limited, please RSVP to tmadsen at mfa.ee as
> soon as possible.
> Pleased with the building momentum to help catalyze action in closing the
> digital divide and extend the economic and social benefits of connectivity
> to everyone.
> Thanks,
> Manu (Snr. Political Advisor, Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment,
> State) and Ann Mei (Executive Director, Global Development Lab, USAID)
> *“So looking to the future, we have to respond to this demand for openness
> and opportunity by making steady progress toward closing the digital
> divide. And with that goal in mind, the United States State Department will
> soon launch a new diplomatic initiative – in combination with partner
> countries, development banks, engineers, and industry leaders – and we’re
> going to do just that: try to make it more available.”*   --  Secretary
> Kerry in Korea on May 18,2015
> *From:* Ann Mei Chang [mailto:annmei at usaid.gov]
> *Sent:* Monday, May 18, 2015 4:33 PM
> *Cc:* Bhardwaj, Manu
> *Subject:* Secretary Kerry's remarks today on global internet connectivity
> We are excited about the Secretary Kerry's remarks in Korea
> <http://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2015/05/242553.htm> today that
> highlight the State Department's and USAID's commitment to global
> connectivity.  As the Secretary said, looking to the future, we have to
> make steady progress towards Internet freedom and closing the digital
> divide.  With that goal in mind, the United States will soon be launching a
> new diplomatic initiative - in combination with friends, regional
> development banks, and industry leaders - to do just that.
> In the coming weeks, the State Department and USAID will be reaching out
> to all of you to explore areas for partnership as we develop this new
> connectivity initiative. We are actively exploring opportunities to improve
> connectivity health information systems in West Africa (in the recovery
> from Ebola), digital financial systems in India, and internet access and
> usage across the world. Please don't hesitate to contact my team at the
> Global Development Lab or Manu Bhardwaj, the State Department's Senior
> Advisor and Staff Coordinator for IT and Internet Diplomacy Matters, copied
> here.
> Best,
> Ann Mei (USAID/Lab) and Manu (State/Economic Growth, Energy, and the
> Environment)
> --
> Ann Mei Chang | Executive Director
> U.S. Global Development Lab l USAID
> *www.usaid.gov/GlobalDevLab <http://www.usaid.gov/GlobalDevLab>*
> Twitter: @annmei <https://twitter.com/annmei>
> --
> *Carolina Rossini *
> *Vice President, International Policy*
> *Public Knowledge*
> *http://www.publicknowledge.org/ <http://www.publicknowledge.org/>*
> + 1 6176979389 | skype: carolrossini | @carolinarossini


*Carolina Rossini *
*Vice President, International Policy*
*Public Knowledge*
*http://www.publicknowledge.org/ <http://www.publicknowledge.org/>*
+ 1 6176979389 | skype: carolrossini | @carolinarossini
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