[IRPCoalition] Italy's draft Declaration of Internet Rights

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Fri Mar 27 14:44:38 EET 2015

Dear Juan

Thank you for letting us all know of this initiative. Great news and 
congratulations to all of those involved in this project for Italy.

The IRPC Charter Booklet is now in Spanish, with Portuguese on the way 
and - hopefully - French too, alongside the German, Arabic, Farsi, and 
Mandarin editions. It would be great to have an Italian edition to 
accompany this launch of an Italian Declaration of Internet Rights and 
support the work in this way.

Looking forward to hearing how things develop!

best wishes

On 22/03/2015 09:39, J.C. DE MARTIN wrote:
> Thank you, Jaco! Very interesting.
> Best,
> juan carlos
> On 21/03/15 21:04, Jaco Aizenman wrote:
>> You can read the text here :
>> http://sitios.poder-judicial.go.cr/observatoriojudicial//vol28/publicaciones/pub01.htm
>> Please note that the protection is not just on content or data but 
>> also on:
>> 1. Existence
>> 2. Presence
>> 3. Projection
>> 4. On not having a virtual personality....
>> If you have more questions I will be happy to help.
>> El 21/03/2015 13:55, "J.C. DE MARTIN" <demartin at polito.it 
>> <mailto:demartin at polito.it>> escribió:
>>     Hi Jaco,
>>     Yes, I am interested, of course: where can I find more information?
>>     Thanks!
>>     juan carlos
>>     On 21/03/15 20:53, Jaco Aizenman wrote:
>>>     Hi Juan Carlos,
>>>     You may be interested in the Costa Rican Congress , virtual
>>>     personality fundamental right constitutional amendment.
>>>     2004!
>>>     Best regards
>>>     Jaco Aizenman L.
>>>     Costa Rica
>>>     El 21/03/2015 13:19, "J.C. DE MARTIN" <demartin at polito.it
>>>     <mailto:demartin at polito.it>> escribió:
>>>         Dear All,
>>>         If I am not mistaken, this list has not yet been informed
>>>         about a fairly
>>>         recent initiative of Italy's Chamber of Deputies that might
>>>         interest you.
>>>         In July 2014 the President of the Chamber, Hon. Laura Boldrini,
>>>         established a study commission made of 10 MPs (one for each
>>>         group) and 13 experts (I am one of them) [1].
>>>         The chair of the Commission is prof. Stefano Rodotà,
>>>         that some of you will remember (Tunis 2005 or Brazil 2007).
>>>         The mandate for our Commission was to survey existing
>>>         Internet Charters/Declarations (starting with IRPC Charter,
>>>         of course)
>>>         and to produce a draft Declaration of Internet Rights before
>>>         of the end of
>>>         Italy's Presidency of the European Union (31 Dec 2014).
>>>         The political aim was to try to influence the Italian Government
>>>         to take (or at least facilitate) action in this important area.
>>>         While that political aim was not achieved (at least so far),
>>>         the Chamber of Deputies indeed published a first draft of the
>>>         Declaration in October 2014. Since then the draft
>>>         has been undergoing a public consultation
>>>         (see http://camera.civi.ci), which will end on March 31.
>>>         You can find English, French and German translations
>>>         of the draft Declaration, as well as a quite extensive
>>>         press overview (also in English), here:
>>>         http://nexa.polito.it/declaration-internet-rights
>>>         Since October, the study Commission has been holding
>>>         several official hearings: we heard from experts (some them
>>>         foreigners, e.g., Frank La Rue), associations,
>>>         the Chairs of Italy's independent Authorities, companies,
>>>         members of Goverment, media, ecc.
>>>         We are also in close contact with the Commission de réflexion
>>>         sur le droit et les libertés à l’âge du numérique established in
>>>         2014 by France's Assemblée Nationale: in the coming days
>>>         we will also hold a joint meeting via tele-conference.
>>>         The main results of this initiative is that Italy has been
>>>         discussing
>>>         of Internet rights like never before: a remarkable result
>>>         in and by itself, if you ask me.
>>>         Next steps: process the contributions, produce
>>>         a revised Declaration and, above all, contribute to the
>>>         global Internet rights efforts, where our main asset
>>>         will be the fact that we are an expression of a parliamentary
>>>         institution.
>>>         Particularly regarding this last point, your feedback and
>>>         advice would be most useful.
>>>         Many thanks,
>>>         best regards,
>>>         juan carlos de martin
>>>         [1] http://www.camera.it/leg17/1177
>>>         [2] http://www2.assemblee-nationale.fr/14/commissions/numerique
>>>         prof. juan carlos de martin
>>>         co-director / nexa center for internet & society
>>>         politecnico di torino - italy
>>>         http://nexa.polito.it
>>>         office: +39 011 090 7217 <tel:%2B39%20011%20090%207217>
>>>         _______________________________________________
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Marianne Franklin, PhD
Professor of Global Media and Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Goldsmiths (University of London)
Department of Media & Communications
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Chair of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)
Steering Committee/Former Co-Chair Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (UN IGF)

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