[IRPCoalition] Italy's draft Declaration of Internet Rights

Jaco Aizenman skorpio at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 22:04:32 EET 2015

You can read the text here :


Please note that the protection is not just on content or data but also on:

1. Existence
2. Presence
3. Projection
4. On not having a virtual personality....

If you have more questions I will be happy to help.
El 21/03/2015 13:55, "J.C. DE MARTIN" <demartin at polito.it> escribió:

>  Hi Jaco,
> Yes, I am interested, of course: where can I find more information?
> Thanks!
> juan carlos
> On 21/03/15 20:53, Jaco Aizenman wrote:
> Hi Juan Carlos,
> You may be interested in the Costa Rican Congress , virtual personality
> fundamental right constitutional amendment.
> 2004!
> Best regards
> Jaco Aizenman L.
> Costa Rica
> El 21/03/2015 13:19, "J.C. DE MARTIN" <demartin at polito.it> escribió:
>> Dear All,
>> If I am not mistaken, this list has not yet been informed about a fairly
>> recent initiative of Italy's Chamber of Deputies that might interest you.
>> In July 2014 the President of the Chamber, Hon. Laura Boldrini,
>> established a study commission made of 10 MPs (one for each
>> group) and 13 experts (I am one of them) [1].
>> The chair of the Commission is prof. Stefano Rodotà,
>> that some of you will remember (Tunis 2005 or Brazil 2007).
>> The mandate for our Commission was to survey existing
>> Internet Charters/Declarations (starting with IRPC Charter, of course)
>> and to produce a draft Declaration of Internet Rights before of the end of
>> Italy's Presidency of the European Union (31 Dec 2014).
>> The political aim was to try to influence the Italian Government
>> to take (or at least facilitate) action in this important area.
>> While that political aim was not achieved (at least so far),
>> the Chamber of Deputies indeed published a first draft of the
>> Declaration in October 2014. Since then the draft
>> has been undergoing a public consultation
>> (see http://camera.civi.ci), which will end on March 31.
>> You can find English, French and German translations
>> of the draft Declaration, as well as a quite extensive
>> press overview (also in English), here:
>> http://nexa.polito.it/declaration-internet-rights
>> Since October, the study Commission has been holding
>> several official hearings: we heard from experts (some them
>> foreigners, e.g., Frank La Rue), associations,
>> the Chairs of Italy's independent Authorities, companies,
>> members of Goverment, media, ecc.
>> We are also in close contact with the Commission de réflexion
>> sur le droit et les libertés à l’âge du numérique established in
>> 2014 by France's Assemblée Nationale: in the coming days
>> we will also hold a joint meeting via tele-conference.
>> The main results of this initiative is that Italy has been discussing
>> of Internet rights like never before: a remarkable result
>> in and by itself, if you ask me.
>> Next steps: process the contributions, produce
>> a revised Declaration and, above all, contribute to the
>> global Internet rights efforts, where our main asset
>> will be the fact that we are an expression of a parliamentary
>> institution.
>> Particularly regarding this last point, your feedback and
>> advice would be most useful.
>> Many thanks,
>> best regards,
>> juan carlos de martin
>> [1] http://www.camera.it/leg17/1177
>> [2] http://www2.assemblee-nationale.fr/14/commissions/numerique
>> prof. juan carlos de martin
>> co-director / nexa center for internet & society
>> politecnico di torino - italy
>> http://nexa.polito.it
>> office: +39 011 090 7217
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