[IRPCoalition] Time-sensitive: 24 hour sign on period for ITU Plenipot joint recommendations

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Tue Oct 21 12:33:09 EEST 2014

Dear all

The statement below is comprehensive and a summation of at least two 
years of intensive debate and drafting led by a working group in the 
Best Bits network. 24 hours notice is possibly too short to establish a 
broad enough consensus from the IRPC list about whether to endorse the 
statement as a whole or not.

But there is time for those of you with a stake in the outcomes of the 
ITU Plenipot meeting that is currently underway to comment on any 
matters arising from this text.

it is long! 10 pages almost but does deserve our attention, as 
individuals or as representatives of participating networks and 
organizations on the IRPC list. In short, what comes out of the ITU does 
impinge on the IGF's future as a fully fledged actor in this domain and 
as an IGF DC I believe that the IRPC does have a stake in the outcome 
and eventual reception of this statement; many on this list have been 
active in the drafting so feel free to respond or clarify if need be.

The statement is open for comment I believe after the sign-up deadline. 
Here is the link again (Background note from Anne Jellema below fyi): 


On 20/10/2014 21:56, Carolina Rossini wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Anne Jellema* <anne at webfoundation.org 
> <mailto:anne at webfoundation.org>>
> Date: Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 4:38 PM
> Subject: [bestbits] Time-sensitive: 24 hour sign on period for ITU 
> Plenipot joint recommendations
> To: "bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>" 
> <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>>
> Dear colleagues
> As you know, a fluid working group was formed after the IGF to try to 
> come up with joint recommendations for the ITU Plenipot. We produced 
> the open letter on transparency and participation in the Plenipot 
> process itself, which many of you signed (thank you!). Our second and 
> harder task was to develop positions on some of the most important 
> substantive issues before the conference. The output of this second 
> phase of our work is a 7 page lobby document that is now available for 
> endorsement for the next 24 hours at:
> http://bestbits.net/itu-plenipot-notes
> The fluid working group struggled to obtain the conference proposals 
> on which to base our analysis and recommendations, both because of the 
> ITU's restrictions on document access and because many Member States 
> submitted their proposals quite late in the day. As a result, our 
> drafting process has taken us hard up against the start of the 
> Plenipot itself.
> It is now very urgent to get this text in front of delegations, so we 
> are opening it for endorsements rather than comment. If however 
> someone has a red flag, "absolutely can't live with it" issue that 
> prevents them from signing on, they should email me personally in the 
> next 24 hours to propose an edit(s) to resolve this issue, and I will 
> consult the other members of the ITU fluid working group on whether to 
> accept this edit.
> Due to the lack of time for comment and consensus, we are not 
> presenting these recommendations in the name of Best Bits or on behalf 
> of civil society in general but only on behalf of the specific 
> organisations endorsing.
> If you would like your organisation to be listed, please send your 
> logo to Carolina Rossini (crossini at publicknowledge.org 
> <mailto:crossini at publicknowledge.org>) by 22:30 CET (16:30 EST) 
> tomorrow, 21 Oct.
> Best wishes
> Anne
> -- 
> Anne Jellema
> +27 061 36 9352 (ZA)
> +1 202 684 6885 <tel:%2B1%20202%C2%A0684%206885> (US)
> @afjellema
> *
> *
> *World Wide Web Foundation | 1110 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500, 
> Washington DC, 20005, USA | www.webfoundation.org 
> <http://www.webfoundation.org/> | Twitter: @webfoundation*
> ____________________________________________________________
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> To unsubscribe or change your settings, visit:
> http://lists.bestbits.net/wws/info/bestbits
> -- 
> -- 
> /Carolina Rossini /
> /Vice President, International Policy/
> *Public Knowledge*
> _http://www.publicknowledge.org/_
> + 1 6176979389 | skype: carolrossini | @carolinarossini
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Dr Marianne Franklin
Professor of Global Media & Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Department of Media & Communications
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross,
London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
Email: <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Twitter: @GloComm
Co-Chair Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (UN IGF)
Twitter: @netrights
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/internetrightsandprinciples
email: info at irpcharter.org

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