[IRPCoalition] Fwd: Civil society input - call for contributions - General Assembly Resolution 67/167 "The right to privacy in the digital age"

joy joy at apc.org
Mon Mar 10 03:37:06 EET 2014

Hi all - just highlighting this call for NGO contributions to the UN
High Commissioner for Human Rights report on privacy in the digital age
- see the link below contributions are due 1 April.
This would be a good opportunity to highlight the coalition's work in
this area and to make some comments about questionns 3 and 5 in particular .
Apologies in advance if you see this message on multiple lists.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Civil society input - call for contributions - General
Assembly Resolution 67/167 "The right to privacy in the digital age"
Date: 	Fri, 28 Feb 2014 12:48:31 -0500 (EST)
From: 	OHCHR Civil Society Section <civilsociety at ohchr.org>
Reply-To: 	civilsociety at ohchr.org
To: 	joy at apc.org

*??    ***    Español    ***    Français    ***    ???????    ***    P??????

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Civil Society Section

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


Dear civil society actors,


 We are pleased to forward this call for contributions
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_HHy_JNMy3hOyiouisyAl4SmeAKDN0okoBKJA0RY70MB7IYHvr-rq_JqogFQnQrzUi68oJj8p3hWgqLb2S93gAgz5BtHLXtlOTc04SkBRZlgjmnpgRyJ68QR1U9pZE2kPKVJFYdTH6rmDvvHjn-v60clO8T_AOYZykR_PUPo9f7oj3zFc9VplcJSiSzbMj9qykb-Pv5QrpQ3k8hmy8pIVuQQy0OAwY3dajuGWOK9wD8veXDFYTTaBelQH9-FoI71&c=iEmks5SPWQQ0OkveftKSCN8ndUrvBNL5Y-zx_vxFJ1b0lm-ogSVFsQ==&ch=JgFEPy8YDB_dpX2HQROPHwk0G8pcWTUf_eIlWdH7dXKfUUZKKYAG8A==> in
connection with the General Assembly Resolution 67/167 "The right to
privacy in a digital age".


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*??    ***    Español    ***    Français    ***    ???????    ***  
 P?????? * 
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Best regards,
Civil Society Section
Officeof the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Tel. +41 (0) 22 - 917 - 9656
Visit our website

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OHCHR Civil Society Section| UNOG-OHCHR| Geneva| 1211| Switzerland

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