[IRPCoalition] Invitation to Join The Day We Fight Back on February 11th

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at eff.org
Wed Jan 22 08:54:59 EET 2014

Dear IRP Coalition,

Here is an invitation to join the international action on February 11th,
the day we fight back against mass surveillance.


Dear Friends of the Internet:

The Snowden revelations have provided us with disturbing details and
confirmation of some of our worst fears about the NSA and its partners’
spying practices.  Indeed, the NSA and its allies in five
English-speaking countries have been building a global surveillance
infrastructure to “master the internet” and spy on the world’s
communications[1]. They are undermining basic encryption standards, the
very backbone of the Internet. They have collected the phone records of
hundreds of millions of people who are not suspected of any crime. They
has swept up the electronic communications of millions of people at home
and abroad indiscriminately, exploiting the digital technologies we use
to connect and inform. They have secretive data sharing agreements
operating outside the rule of law.

But we aren’t going to let the NSA and its five allies ruin the
Internet. Inspired by the memory of Aaron Swartz, fueled by our victory
against SOPA and ACTA, we are joining the DayWeFightBack campaign to
demand an end to mass surveillance at home and abroad.

The SOPA and ACTA protests were successful because we all took part, as
a community. As Aaron Swartz put it, everybody "made themselves the hero
of their own story." We can set a date, but we need all of you, the
users of the Internet, to make it a movement.

When: The Day We Fight Back has been set for February 11th.

Here's how you can join the effort:

1.  Send an email to rights at eff.org confirming your interest in
participating in this action and receiving updates. Let us know what you
would like to do in your own country so we can send you more information
and amplify your voice.

2.  Visit TheDayWeFightBack.org.

The organizers in the United States of the DayWeFightBack are: Demand
Progress, Access, EFF, Internet Taskforce, FFTF, Free Press, Mozilla,
Reddit, ThoughtWorks, BoingBoing

3. If you are a citizen of the world, sign the 13 Necessary and
Proportionate Principles here:
https://en.necessaryandproportionate.org/take-action #privacyisaright

The organizers of the international action of the DayWeFightBack are
named below at the end of this email [2]

4. Use social media tools to announce your participation.

5. Develop memes, tools, websites, and do whatever else you can to
encourage others to participate.

6. Be creative -- plan your own action. Go to the streets. Promote the
Principles. Then, let us know so we can broadcast your efforts.

[2] The current organizers of the international action of the Day We
Fight Back are:

Amnesty International USA
Access (International)
Anti-vigilancia (Brasil)
Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Argentina)
Asociacion de Internautas - Spain (Spain)
CCC (Germany)
ContingenteMX (Mexico)
CIPPIC (Canada)
Digitale Gesellschaft (Germany)
Digital Courage (Germany)
EFF (International)
Electronic Frontiers Australia (Australia)”
Hiperderecho (Peru)
ICT Consumers Association of Kenya
Open Rights Group (UK)
OpenMedia.org (Canada/International)
OpenNet Korea (South Korea)
Panoptykon Foundation (Poland)
Privacy International (International)
PEN International (International)
TEDIC (Paraguay)
RedPaTodos (Colombia)
ShareDefense (Balkans)

We are from the Internet and we are here to help.

[1] Learn more:  Eyes Wide Open

Katitza Rodriguez
EFF International Rights Director - @Txitua

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