[IRP] Publishing the Hippocratic Oath for Techies & Policymakers

Kettemann, Matthias matthias.kettemann@uni-graz.at matthias.kettemann
Mon Oct 15 13:10:43 EEST 2012

Dear all,

during the last weeks Max, Gordon and I prepared the publication of the Hippocratic oath for Internet policy makers and techies  on internetrightsandprinciples.org<http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/>. We plan to use change.org<http://change.org/> for the supporters to sign the oath and already created a list of potential initial signers.

I already implemented many of your comments into the document<https://docs.google.com/a/collaboratory.de/document/d/1dA0KLFeVqXhKqtMgHgJZnmCtmQQpSrJCZ1rzbcHRlE0/edit> and I would ask all of you to go trough the comments a last time before we can finish the version 1.0 of the oath that will be send to the initial signers and later be published on the website.

Please do that before Friday, 19 October.

We also got a first draft for a Logo and Gordon currently develops the texts for the website, the petition, and the invitation for the initial signers. We hope that the website will be online again soon and that we can publish the oath before the end of October.

We look forward to reading your input and to publish the oath soon.

Max, Matthias, Gordon

Dr Matthias C. Kettemann, LLM (Harvard)
Institute of International Law and International Relations
University of Graz, Austria
T | +43 316 380 6711
E | matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at
Blog<http://internationallawandtheinternet.blogspot.com> | Twitter<http://twitter.com/#%21/MCKettemann> | Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/matthias.kettemann> | Google+<https://plus.google.com/u/0/116310540881122884114/posts>

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