[IRP] [governance] Declaration of Internet Freedom

Katitza Rodriguez katitza
Tue Jul 10 05:23:43 EEST 2012

Check all the videos of the IGF meetings (are they recorded Dixie), or 
Eurodig.. there might be videos. there is also a wiki? or something 
alike with the different version of the documents? there were just 
traditional draft after draft document..

most of the time I put on this was on the privacy principle (short 
version) and was held mostly on email discussion.

On 7/9/12 7:18 PM, Steve Anderson wrote:
> Thanks for Katitza. If anyone has info on how the online/offline 
> consultations happened that were public I'd love to see that - maybe 
> there's a link(s) to where stuff happened online somewhere apart from 
> mailing lists?
> --
> *Steve Anderson*
> Executive Director, OpenMedia.ca
> 604-837-5730
> http://openmedia.ca <http://www.openmedia.ca/>/
> /steve at openmedia.ca <mailto:steve at openmedia.ca>
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> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Katitza Rodriguez <katitza at eff.org 
> <mailto:katitza at eff.org>> wrote:
>     Hola Steve,
>     Nice to see you on this list. : )
>     The process was held in several lists and online communities in a
>     very messy way as civil society groups from around the world ended
>     up working towards this common work.  The IRP principles was based
>     upon a previous work done by APC, an international network of NGOS
>     mostly from developing countries. The drafting of the text last
>     several years (Dixie: how many years?).  There were several fights
>     among coalition (and non coalition) members, and take a lot of
>     time to be able to get to know each other as to understand all the
>     different agendas and substantive opinions of each of the
>     participants.  In addition, there were several discussion in situ
>     at several annual UN Internet Governace Forum meetings as well as
>     regional IG meetings like EURodig or others national venues.
>     For instance, Lisa Horner share with me and several NGOs the
>     privacy principle, including CIPPIC (Canada) or EDRI.org or
>     Privacy International, EPIC (I was working for them at that
>     moment), EFF.org or Australia Privacy Foundation to name a few.
>     There were several discussions on the wording, as she moved
>     forward the debates in several online places (mainly this list).
>     I know there were tons of consultations and the process took a lot
>     of time, but I believe others can explain better the process!
>     Best, K
>     On 7/9/12 6:28 PM, Steve Anderson wrote:
>>     Thanks Dixie, great to hear more about this - sounds like a lot
>>     of work was put into this process!  Does anyone know if there was
>>     an online public consultation process? And if so where I could
>>     see it?
>>     Thanks to all who have been a part of this.
>>     --
>>     *Steve Anderson*
>>     /*Learn about The TPP's Internet Trap: http://stopthetrap.net
>>     <http://stopthetrap.net/>/*
>>     *Executive Director, OpenMedia.ca
>>     604-837-5730 <tel:604-837-5730>
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>>     /steve at openmedia.ca <mailto:steve at openmedia.ca>
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>>     On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Dixie Hawtin
>>     <Dixie at global-partners.co.uk
>>     <mailto:Dixie at global-partners.co.uk>> wrote:
>>         Hi again,
>>         It's been brought to my attention that I may have underplayed
>>         the level of discussion about the 10 IRPs - the Charter is
>>         the result of an extremely broad consultation process
>>         (spanning years) both online and offline, with input from
>>         different stakeholder groups and in different parts of the
>>         world. The 10 IRPs too were shared widely outside of the
>>         Coalition, particularly with experts on each of the
>>         principles - for example the privacy article was shared with
>>         many privacy experts and there were several consultation with
>>         different communities. The huge discussions were both
>>         valuable for making the Charter so extensive and the 10 IRPs
>>         so precise - they were also extremely valuable in themselves
>>         for bringing together different communities!
>>         Very best,
>>         Dixie
>>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         *From:* Dixie Hawtin
>>         *Sent:* 09 July 2012 16:07
>>         *To:* Steve Anderson; Marianne Franklin
>>         *Cc:* irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
>>         <mailto:irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>>         *Subject:* RE: [IRP] [governance] Declaration of Internet Freedom
>>         Hi Steve and welcome to the list!
>>         There isn?t a formal methodology (although if any of our
>>         academic members have written an overview please do share!)
>>         The 10 IRPs came directly out of the Charter (A very broad
>>         overview ? including previous versions ? can be found here:
>>         http://irpcharter.org/charter/)
>>         Version 1.0 of the Charter was launched at the 2010 IGF in
>>         Lithuania. During discussions a number of Coalition members
>>         felt that we needed a shorter ?punchier? advocacy document. A
>>         working group was formed within the Coalition of: Karmen
>>         Turk, Brett Solomon, Shaila Mistry, Henrik Almstrom, Carlos
>>         Affonso, Jochai Ben-Avie, Lisa Horner and me. We worked over
>>         email to distil the Charter down to 10 key principles. This
>>         was then shared with the wider Coalition and we had an email
>>         discussion on the principles and incorporated various
>>         changes. The 10 Internet Rights and Principles were launched
>>         at the second expert meeting on "Freedom of Expression and
>>         the Internet" in Stockholm, convened on 30-31 March 2011 by
>>         the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Then many
>>         volunteers from around the world came forward and translated
>>         these into 21 more languages (all of which can be found here:
>>         http://irpcharter.org/campaign/)
>>         Best,
>>         Dixie
>>         *From:*irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
>>         <mailto:irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>>         [mailto:irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
>>         <mailto:irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>]
>>         *On Behalf Of *Steve Anderson
>>         *Sent:* 09 July 2012 12:29
>>         *To:* Marianne Franklin
>>         *Cc:* irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
>>         <mailto:irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>>         *Subject:* Re: [IRP] [governance] Declaration of Internet Freedom
>>         Hi all, new to the list. Can someone tell me or point to me
>>         to where I can find the methodology for developing the  IRP
>>         ten principles? Curious about how these were developed.
>>         best,
>>         --
>>         *Steve Anderson*
>>         Executive Director, OpenMedia.ca
>>         604-837-5730 <tel:604-837-5730>
>>         http://openmedia.ca <http://www.openmedia.ca/>/
>>         /steve at openmedia.ca <mailto:steve at openmedia.ca>
>>         Follow me on Twitter <http://twitter.com/Steve_Media>
>>         Friend me on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/Steve.Media>
>>         __
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>>         On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Marianne Franklin
>>         <m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk <mailto:m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>> wrote:
>>         Dear All
>>         Thought I'd respond to some recent posts.
>>         1) Declarations; I take Jeremy's point, and Wolfganga's. The
>>         mushrooming of declarations, charters and the like is perhaps
>>         a sign of some critical mass building.
>>         That said, the Declaration of Internet Freedom;
>>         http://www.internetdeclaration.org/freedom, boils the IRP Ten
>>         Punchy Principles, which already brought the original 3-tier
>>         Charter down to 10,  down to 5 points. At this rate we could
>>         well see the IRP Charter or something similar fitting into a
>>         tweet!
>>         The IRP DC has yet to sign up to this Declaration. I move
>>         that we join it as I can see no reason why not.
>>         2) As for the IRP website. I hope we can resolve this as
>>         having a defunct website is not good for business so to speak.
>>         3) Re. Max's initiative. I have read and responded for my part!
>>         best
>>         MF
>>         On 04/07/2012 04:13, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
>>         On 03/07/12 20:46, Benedek, Wolfgang
>>         (wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at
>>         <mailto:wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at>) wrote:
>>             What I wanted to point out as well is that we already
>>             have two more declarations under this name, the Geneva
>>             Declaration on Internet Freedom of 2010 by a group of NGOs
>>         Do you have a link for that?  I found
>>         http://www.genevasummit.org/media/20
>>         <http://www.genevasummit.org/media/20>, but it is dead, nor
>>         is it on archive.org <http://archive.org>.
>>         and the Guiding Principles of Internet Freedom of 2012 by
>>         Praxis think tank of Estonia, which are both more elaborate.
>>         Thanks, I added this to the links page at
>>         http://igcaucus.org/links <http://igcaucus.org/links> and
>>         added years.  Am I still missing any?  Feel free to add this
>>         list to the IRP site too, or better, link to the IGC's copy. 
>>         BTW, does everyone know that the IRP's main website is down
>>         (but the charter site is up)? Not sure about the mailing
>>         list, but I'm cc'ing to it in case it is up.
>>         It would be good to bring all these initiatives together and
>>         the DC on Internet Rights and Principles would be a suitable
>>         place for doing so.
>>         Unfortunately, people seem prefer to work in parallel which
>>         might limit the effects of such efforts.
>>         Indeed.  Part of the problem is that whereas there are strong
>>         global action networks on issues like IP and the environment,
>>         in IG we have only the IGC, and it is invisible to (or at
>>         least ignored by) large parts of the Internet activist community.
>>         -- 
>>         *Dr Jeremy Malcolm
>>         Senior Policy Officer*
>>         Consumers International
>>         Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
>>         Lot 5-1 Wisma WIM, 7 Jalan Abang Haji Openg, TTDI, 60000
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>     -- 
>     Katitza Rodriguez
>     International Rights Director
>     Electronic Frontier Foundation
>     katitza at eff.org  <mailto:katitza at eff.org>
>     katitza at datos-personales.org  <mailto:katitza at datos-personales.org>  (personal email)
>     Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and freedom of speech since 1990

Katitza Rodriguez
International Rights Director
Electronic Frontier Foundation
katitza at eff.org
katitza at datos-personales.org (personal email)

Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and freedom of speech since 1990

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