[IRP] Fwd: Action on Special Rapporteur's Annual Report focus Freedom of Expression and the Internet

Anriette Esterhuysen anriette
Wed May 25 19:03:32 EEST 2011

Resending without the attachment as the message bounced.

Dear Dixie

Thank you for the update. You propose to send out a statement on Frank's
report. It might be quicker if the IRP chose to endorse the statement
developed by APC.  We would of course welcome that.

APC's written statement is available at
and is also attached, together with an urgent action update which we are
circulating and encouraging action on.

APC is also hosting a side event on Friday 3 June in Geneva which the
Special Rapporteur will attend and we are extending an open invitation
to that event:

If the coalition (or any of its members) would like to sign up on to the
APC statement *please do so by writing to analia at apc.org by Thursday 2
June 2011*.

If you feel strongly to do a statement as the IRP coalition, you could
potentially keep it short, and reference, or include the APC statement
to save time.

Warm regards


> FRANK LA RUE STATEMENT: Next Friday Frank La Rue, the UN Special
> Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, will be presenting his report to
> the Human Rights Council on freedom of expression on the Internet
> (http://bit.ly/kNHvvm). The report will be really important in putting
> Internet issues on the agenda of traditional human rights mechanisms. It
> would be great if we can drum up interest and support for the report in
> advance so we will be sending around a Statement later this week for the
> Coalition to discuss, and hopefully endorse.

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