[IRP] IRP steering committee

Rikke Frank Joergensen rfj
Wed May 11 15:23:37 EEST 2011

Thanks for the vote of trust, Ginger, but i am too busy to chair even after sept :)


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Ginger Paque [mailto:gpaque at gmail.com]
Sendt: on 11-05-2011 13:31
Til: Rikke Frank Joergensen
Cc: Lisa Horner; irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
Emne: Re: [IRP] IRP steering committee
Much appreciation for Lisa (and all)...
Maybe we can wait for September, and ask Rikke to chair? :)

Ms. Ginger (Virginia) Paque
IGCBP Coordinator

The latest from Diplo...Keep up with Diplo on Twitter. Follow @DiplomacyEdu <http://www.twitter.com/DiplomacyEdu>  for all the news about our programmes, courses, research, events, and more!

On 5/11/2011 3:09 AM, Rikke Frank Joergensen wrote: 

	thanks lisa for all the work and energy you put into the process, and especially for the very positive and constructive spirit you always had.
	i am fine w. either way forward, but am myself quite busy until sept. where i submit my phd.
	looking forward to crossing paths in the future, lisa.
	all best
	-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
	Fra: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org p? vegne af Michael Gurstein
	Sendt: ti 10-05-2011 22:57
	Til: irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
	Emne: Re: [IRP] IRP steering committee
	I also would like to express appreciation to Lisa (and Dixie) for a job very
	well and sensitively done!
	I have no problem with either way of proceeding but it would be useful I
	think if we could pointed to a listing of current menbers.
	-----Original Message-----
	From: Robert Bodle [mailto:irpbodle at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 9:15 AM
	To: Lee W McKnight
	Cc: Lisa Horner; Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza; Rafik Dammak; Marianne
	Franklin; Anja Kovacs; Robert Guerra; Graciela Selaimen; HIBBARD Lee;
	johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se; Max Senges; shaila mistry; Olivier MJ
	Crepin-Leblond; Michael Gurstein; parminder; Meryem Marzouki; Benedek,
	Wolfgang (wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at); Dixie Hawtin; wysmith at syr.edu
	Subject: Re: IRP steering committee
	I am also very sorry to hear this, but very thankful for your excellent
	leadership Lisa, and for taking IRP to the next level. I have especially
	valued you're dynamism, dedication, and diplomacy - all truly admirable
	leadership qualities.
	+1 Dixie as interim, and keeping current procedure for elections.
	On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Lee W McKnight <lmcknigh at syr.edu> <mailto:lmcknigh at syr.edu>  wrote:
	Lisa, Dixie,
	OK I will intro  Dixie to the TEDxharlem crowd, (Dixie next call/meeting is
	2nd Tuesday in June..I will try to make it in person.)
	All's good after 1st TEDx meeting; meaning we are still on agenda : 0
	From: Lisa Horner [LisaH at global-partners.co.uk]
	Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 7:15 AM
	To: Lee W McKnight; 'Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza'; Rafik Dammak; 'Robert
	Bodle'; 'Marianne Franklin'; 'Anja Kovacs'; 'Robert Guerra'; 'Graciela
	Selaimen'; 'HIBBARD Lee'; johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se; Max Senges;
	shaila mistry; 'Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond'
	Cc: Michael Gurstein; 'parminder'; 'Meryem Marzouki'; 'Benedek, Wolfgang
	(wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at)'; Dixie Hawtin; wysmith at syr.edu
	Subject: RE: IRP steering committee
	Thanks Lee and Marianne for your kind words.
	Lee - I think the TEDx event is very exciting and important for the
	coalition.  For initiatives and events like this, Dixie is happy to step up
	to the mark in terms of organization and coordination.  At least until we
	have a new chair, and/or the coalition have had a chance to discuss more.
	So I think it's probably best to put her name as the contact point at this
	stage.  But it'd be great if you and Wyan could liaise on behalf of the
	coalition whilst things are still firming up.
	-----Original Message-----
	From: Lee W McKnight [mailto:lmcknigh at syr.edu]
	Sent: 10 May 2011 12:06
	To: Lisa Horner; 'Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza'; Rafik Dammak; 'Robert
	Bodle'; 'Marianne Franklin'; 'Anja Kovacs'; 'Robert Guerra'; 'Graciela
	Selaimen'; 'HIBBARD Lee'; johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se; Max Senges;
	shaila mistry; 'Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond'
	Cc: Michael Gurstein; 'parminder'; 'Meryem Marzouki'; 'Benedek, Wolfgang
	(wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at)'; Dixie Hawtin; wysmith at syr.edu
	Subject: RE: IRP steering committee
	I too am sorry to see you go, and greatly appreciate your efforts.
	My immediate issue is the 1st organizing committee meeting for TEDxHarlem
	is...starting in 3 hours.
	I was going to introduce your name as the point person for the IRP
	panel/session there, but suppose I should hold off and rep IRP for next 30
	days/til next org comm meeting?
	(Folks remember we are on agenda 10.18.2011, live from the Apollo Theater in
	NYC, or virtually there, with possibly some 'guest' celebrities joining in
	endorsing Internet Rig, and Principles, there...)
	Anyway Lisa, before you step down please figure out how IRP wishes to handle
	I am on org cte for TEDxHarlem and providing SU student interns; with Wyan
	Smith cc'd as he is assisting me already on related matters. So Wyan and I
	can help liaise for IRP but...our still fearless leader should figure out
	how to manage the event itself. I think a few folkls spoke up when I raised
	this a while back as a possibility....any volunteers to relieve Lisa of at
	least this headache?
	Or maybe Lisa you want to bow out with a final curtain call live on stage at
	the Apollo? ; )
	From: Lisa Horner [LisaH at global-partners.co.uk]
	Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 5:41 AM
	To: 'Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza'; Rafik Dammak; 'Robert Bodle';
	'Marianne Franklin'; 'Anja Kovacs'; 'Robert Guerra'; 'Graciela Selaimen';
	'HIBBARD Lee'; johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se; Max Senges; shaila
	mistry; 'Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond'
	Cc: Lee W McKnight; Michael Gurstein; 'parminder'; 'Meryem Marzouki';
	'Benedek, Wolfgang (wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at)'; Dixie Hawtin
	Subject: IRP steering committee
	Hi all
	I just wanted to send you (members of the IRP steering committee, plus a few
	extra people who have been active in the coalition/with the charter) a note
	to say that I will shortly be stepping down as chair of the coalition.
	IRP steering committee elections are due at the next IGF according to our
	internal procedure document (http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/node/9)
	, as this will be our 2nd IGF with the current committee and chair.
	However, rather than having elections there, I think it makes sense to have
	a new chair (and committee?) in place before then so that they can prepare
	properly for the IGF...so our energy there is focused on making impact
	rather than on internal procedure.
	I'm also  finding that I don't have as much time at the moment to dedicate
	to driving the coalition forward as is needed and deserved.  I feel that
	we're at quite a critical juncture in the development of the coalition, with
	awareness and membership raised by the punchy principles, and solid work
	being produced through the charter process.  I think we need someone to push
	the coalition forwards at this important time so that we can really build on
	what we've achieved so far.  It'll of course also be good to have someone
	with renewed energy and fresh ideas at the helm.
	I wanted to let you know before I send a note to the wider coalition.  It
	would be good to hear your thoughts on how we should proceed, and if you
	think we should have new steering committee elections as well as for the
	chair. If we stick with our current rules of procedure, the steering
	committee is elected, and then proceeds to elect its chair.  However, at the
	last elections, quite a few of us thought this wasn't an ideal procedure, as
	the coalition should have a chance to elect directly.  So that may mean that
	we want to modify our rules of procedure. If we do that, I feel it might be
	a good moment for the coalition to reflect on its overall strategy and
	orientation...what kind of network we are, what we want to achieve etc.  I
	think we've learnt a lot and come a long way over the past few years, and
	it'd be great to capture and build on that.
	Please let us know your thoughts, and we can then move on to have the
	discussion with the wider coalition.
	Thanks and all the best,
	Lisa Horner
	Head of Research & Policy
	Global Partners and Associates / Global Dialogue
	338 City Road, London, EC1V 2PY, UK
	Office: + 44 207 239  <tel:%2B%2044%20207%20239%208251> 8251     Mobile: +44
	7867 795859 <tel:%2B44%207867%20795859> 
	LisaH at global-partners.co.uk<mailto:lisah at global-partners.co.uk> <mailto:lisah at global-partners.co.uk>  /
	LisaH at global-dialogue.eu<mailto:LisaH at global-dialogue.eu> <mailto:LisaH at global-dialogue.eu> 
	www.global-partners.co.uk<http://www.global-partners.co.uk/> <http://www.global-partners.co.uk/>     /
	www.global-dialogue.eu<http://www.global-dialogue.eu/> <http://www.global-dialogue.eu/> 
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