[IRP] Launching the principles on THURSDAY 31st

Lisa Horner LisaH
Wed Mar 30 00:32:07 EEST 2011

Hi all

It is too late to change the flyer or the text of the principles at this stage, at least for this version.  I also think we need to be wary of discouraging anyone from putting time, effort and resources into trying to make things work for the coalition.  We rely on people's efforts in their spare time to contribute.  Considering that, I think we're extremely lucky to have such a professional looking flyer that will help us with our outreach.  I'd like to reiterate my thanks to Brett and his colleagues for that.

But of course, if people want to do something different, that's fine too. We are always more than welcoming of new ideas and inputs. The more mutually supportive effort we can all put in, the better.  But there is a question over branding I guess.  I actually like the retro feel to it - I think it makes it feel very contemporary.

RE the text - people can revisit it for a redraft if they want to, a little later down the line.  We're always (too?)flexible with the deadlines for commenting, and try to take as much on board as possble.  But it really is late in the day now. 

Anyway, a lot of effort has gone into this from quite a broad group of people, and I personally think we have a great output to show for it.  Looking forwards to Thursday!

All the best,

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