[IRP] Launching the principles on THURSDAY 31st

michael gurstein gurstein
Tue Mar 29 17:18:18 EEST 2011

I agree with Lee on this...

Also, the principles themselves are outstanding but (perhaps too late) I
have a problem with the intro to the principles notably ``To help realise
this vision of an rights-based Internet the 10 Rights and Principles are:``
to my mind this is a bit stark and perhaps a bit presumptuous on our part...
something like ``and Principles could (or should) be`` rings a wee bit more
comfortably to my (admittedly middle road-ish) Canadian sensibility...


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Lee W McKnight <lmcknigh at syr.edu> wrote:

> Lisa, Brett,
> And bravo to everyone!
>  I agree holding off launch for more translations makes sense.
> A nitpicking note: Brett's/Access' design...doesn't quite do it fo r me.
> The monitors look 1980s; like the principles could have been drawn up at
> dawn of modern era.
> If intentional retro look, ok.
> If not, can we please mix some smartphones and tablets amongst the screens?
> Or something to look more contemporary?  And resend to all of us?
> Personally, I'd show 1/3rd of each...but that's just me.
> A slight tweak I am sure Brett and his super-staff could mock up in....next
> hour or two? : )
> And of course, if noone agrees with me, never mind.
> Lee
> ________________________________________
> From: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [
> irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] On Behalf Of Lisa
> Horner [LisaH at global-partners.co.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:00 AM
> To: irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
> Subject: [IRP] Launching the principles on THURSDAY 31st
> Hi all
> Please find attached our snazzy flyer for the 10 Internet Rights and
> Principles.  I think it looks great - a huge thanks to Brett and his team at
> Access for the design.  Brett can send you the files if you'd like to get it
> printed in your own country...would be great if we can all distribute as
> much as possible at any events and opportunities we have.
> Robert and his amazing partner are just finishing off our new
> irpcharter.org website.  The main purpose of the site is a digress.it plug
> in so we can gather comments on the charter.  But we'll also have the
> principles up there in all of our different languages.
> Thanks so much to everyone who has offered to translate - it's fantastic.
>  We have the Spanish from Miguel and the Portuguese from Andreia so far.  If
> anyone else has managed to get it done yet, please do send them through.  it
> would be fantastic to have them by tomorrow if at all possible.
> To give ourselves an extra day to get everything ready, I think it'll be
> better if we shift our launch date to Thursday... there'll also be chance
> we'll get some good quotes for our press release, which Dixie has kindly
> drafted for us.  I hope that's ok with everyone.  we'll send the press
> release to the list tomorrow, so we can all send far and wide on Thursday.
> Exciting!
> All the best,
> Lisa
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