[IRP] Brainstorm...What do we call the punchy principles?

Lisa Horner LisaH
Mon Mar 21 18:18:24 EET 2011

Hi all

Whilst punchy principles works for us, it doesn't for the final doc!  So as a working title at the moment we have: "Ten principles to govern the Internet".  Does that capture our aims enough, and is it catchy enough?  Please send any ideas you have through (bearing in mind our need to be punchy!)....


10 Principles for a People's Internet
10 Principles for a People-oriented Internet
10 Principles for a rights-based Internet

Or maybe the original title is straightforward and simple as it is....?

Thoughts please!


Lisa Horner
Head of Research & Policy
Global Partners and Associates / Global Dialogue

338 City Road, London, EC1V 2PY, UK
Office: + 44 207 239 8251     Mobile: +44 7867 795859
LisaH at global-partners.co.uk<mailto:lisah at global-partners.co.uk> / LisaH at global-dialogue.eu<mailto:LisaH at global-dialogue.eu>
www.global-partners.co.uk<http://www.global-partners.co.uk/>    /  www.global-dialogue.eu<http://www.global-dialogue.eu/>

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