[IRP] [Expression] Slim Amamou (and other bloggers) arrested in Tunisia

M I Franklin cos02mf
Tue Jan 11 19:02:00 EET 2011

Dear All,

Thanks Meryem, Walid, and Hatem for this additional info.

FYI, the events are being covered by the BBC (general news) and Dutch 
national TV and online/print newspapers(steady and regular). I also saw a 
French (TV5) roundtable on their regular media/journo. show (the 'Kiosk') ; 
mainstream news media taking an interest here.

Is this the case elsewhere?


--On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 17:40 +0100 Meryem Marzouki 
<meryem at marzouki.info> wrote:

> Thanks Walid and Hatem for these updates. This, in itself, shows the
> level of disinformation due to the censorship and now to the bloody
> repression. It seemed from an interview of a member of the Tunisian
> pirate party published yesterday by Le Monde that only Azyz Amami was
> still retained (in French: http://www.lemonde.fr/technologies/article/
> 2011/01/10/les-tunisiens-osent-enfin-parler-entre-eux-et-cela-aucune-
> censure-ne-l-arretera_1463210_651865.html#ens_id=1289018).
> It's good to know that Slim and others seem physically safe, but one
> obviously fears that the charges will be very serious: it's likely  that
> the governement will accuse them for the cyber-attacks against  official
> website, which would probably be qualified as "terrorist acts".
> In the mean time, the number of deaths is dramatically increasing.
> Meryem
> Le 11 janv. 11 ? 16:54, hatem zidi a ?crit :
>> dear all
>> i have the information that slim's family just visited him and his in
>> good shape and they confirm that he wasn't tortured or mistreated.
>> we are still waiting for the official confirmation about the
>> charges against him
>> have a nice day
>> --
>> hatem zidi
>> open source expert & integrator
>> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 13:01, Walid Al-Saqaf <admin at alkasir.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Meryem & friends,
>>> It appears that Slim and the others are still in detention. A
>>> friend from
>>> Tunisia here in the Cairo event just told me that this information
>>> is just
>>> to introduce the news about their trial. Just thought you should
>>> know.,.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Walid
>>> -----------------
>>> Walid Al-Saqaf
>>> Founder & Administrator
>>> alkasir for mapping and circumventing cyber censorship
>>> https://alkasir.com
>>> On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Meryem Marzouki
>>> <meryem at marzouki.info>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Update: It seems, but this still needs firm confirmation, that
>>>> Slim and
>>>> some other bloggers (and a rapper) are now free. The bad news is
>>>> that the
>>>> police and/or the army have been shooting people in some Tunisian
>>>> cities.
>>>> There are deaths.
>>>> Meryem
>>>> Le 7 janv. 11 ? 16:27, Meryem Marzouki a ?crit :
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> You've probably heard about the situation in Tunisia, with street
>>>>> demonstrations, strikes and other actions following events in
>>>>> the city of
>>>>> Sidi Bouzid since mid-December, when a young unemployed men
>>>>> selling goods in
>>>>> the streets immolate himself after the police seized his goods.
>>>>> He recently
>>>>> died. These protests and of course this desperate act, are a
>>>>> consequence of
>>>>> corruption and very high level of unemployment, especially for
>>>>> young people
>>>>> including highly educated people, in the country.
>>>>> The Tunisian authorities exercizes severe repression against
>>>>> protesters,
>>>>> and has intensified the censorship of the press and any independent
>>>>> reporting and the targetting of any dissenting voice. In
>>>>> particular, Slim
>>>>> Amamou - who recently participated to our discussions on the IRP
>>>>> list,
>>>>> that's why I'm especially mentioning him  - and other bloggers
>>>>> have been
>>>>> arrested, and there are no news about their situation, except
>>>>> that Slim was
>>>>> detained at the ministry of Interior headquarters.
>>>>> Information in English may be found at:
>>>>> http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/world/middle-east-north-africa/
>>>>> tunisia/ and
>>>>> at:
>>>>> http://fr.readwriteweb.com/2011/01/07/divers/blogueur-slim-
>>>>> amamou-auteur-sur-readwriteweb-arrt-en-tunisie-sidibouzid/?
>>>>> utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A
>>>>> +readwriteweb-france+%28ReadWriteWeb+France%29
>>>>> (the latter article is in French, but there are some comments in
>>>>> English at
>>>>> the bottom of the page).
>>>>> There is also an audio interview in English, including an
>>>>> interview of
>>>>> Slim - of course before his arrest - at:
>>>>> http://media.theworld.org/audio/010620118.mp3 (interview by
>>>>> Clark Boyd,BBC
>>>>> correspondent in Brussels,published on 6 January).
>>>>> Wanted to let you know...
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Meryem
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Dr Marianne Franklin
Convener of the Transnational Communications & Global Media Program
Media & Communications
New Cross
London SE14 6NW
United Kingdom
Tel (direct): #44 (0)207 919-7072
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