[IRP] Conference call next week - onwards and upwards with the Charter

M I Franklin cos02mf
Fri Feb 4 14:43:12 EET 2011

Hi All

thanks Lisa. Not sure if I can respond in equal measure to this 

1) Happy to serve on/support the steering committee if that structure is 
the one members favour. What tasks would this group have over and above the 
current steeting committee/group of experts (who dare not to speak this 

2) Issues to consult on: later [could we set a deadline for these more 
substantive contributions? By the next meeting perhaps? ]

3) People to consult with; later [ongoing or should we work step by step; 
in concentric circles outwards?]

4) How to consult
a) YES; V 1.1. is good enough to start disseminating; I would like to start 
with sending this out to those who I showed 1.0 too. As an open 
consultation process the power lies partly in showing how the document is 
evolving, and can develop. These versions are being archived for 
b) YES; main thing here would be to have a central meeting point (online) 
for people to upload/collate all these contacts; I myself would start close 
to home (work/students) and go from there; students for instance where I 
work have been offering insights and some have become more sensitised to 
these things.
c) Any other ideas; see above; perhaps there is meeting point/open doc. for 
listing all the possible avenues; aim being to compile as wide a range as 

The FAQs are great; Bravo!

--On Wednesday, February 02, 2011 11:42 +0000 Lisa Horner 
<LisaH at global-partners.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi all
> It seems that we're not going to be able to find a common time for
> everyone to join a call this week, and I realise it was a bit short
> notice.  Would it be easier for us to discuss next steps a bit by email
> first?  I think there are a few things we need to decide on in order to
> move forwards:
> 1) Steering Committee.  I think we need a more structured process for
> making decisions, and a core group of people responsible for driving the
> process forward.  We had an "HR expert group" before, but people
> suggested re-shaping to form a broader steering committee.  *Do you think
> this would be useful?  Would you be interested in joining (all are
> welcome to volunteer)?*
> 2) Issues to consult on.  I've outlined these in a google doc, based on
> our discussions so far, here: http://tinyurl.com/4tb8mo6  *Please check,
> and make comments/suggestions for additions and changes.*
> 3) People to consult with.  Again, I've started on the google
> doc....*please make additions and comments*.
> 4) How to consult:
> 	a. Far and wide, using digress.it commenting platform. *do you like this
> idea?  We need a volunteer to set the platform up please!* 	
> 	b. We need to consult with specific expert and user groups on specific
> issues.  I think the best way to do this would be for people to volunteer
> to take charge of 	specific issues and approach the relevant people on
> behalf of the coalition.  *do you think this is a good idea? Are there
> any issues you'd like to take charge of?* 	
> 	c. Any other ideas.  This is everyone's Charter, and it would be great
> if people could different consultations e.g. in different countries, at
> regional IGFs etc. 	*please volunteer!*
> We also need to work out what to do about documents 2 (explanatory doc),
> and 3 (matrix of responsibilities).  But let's discuss the questions
> above for starters...I think it's a lot already.
> Dixie's FAQs that she put together before might be useful for reminding
> us about objectives and the purpose of different sections of the Charter.
> http://tinyurl.com/6frddl9 The current version of the Charter is on our
> site here: http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/node/367
> Please respond with your thoughts and comments, and please say if you'd
> be interested in working on anything specific/joining the steering
> committee.  The quality and success of the final doc will depend on
> active involvement from as many people as possible.....new faces are
> especially welcome!
> All the best,
> Lisa
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Dr Marianne Franklin
Convener of the Transnational Communications & Global Media Program
Media & Communications
New Cross
London SE14 6NW
United Kingdom
Tel (direct): #44 (0)207 919-7072
Fax: #44 (0) 207 919-7616
email: m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk

"It is difficult to be sat on all day, every day, by some other creature,
without forming an opinion on them. On the other hand, it is perfectly
possible to sit all day, every day, on top of another creature and not have
the slightest thought about them whatsoever." (Douglas Adams)

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