[IRP] Ang. Re: Call: Catch up and prepare for the IGF!

johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se johan.hallenborg
Mon Aug 1 15:33:19 EEST 2011

Hi Dixie and others,

Thanks for your forward-looking email, Dixie. I expect to attend the IGF 
and is more than willing to participate in workhops etc if desired. 


?mnessakkunnig/Special Adviser
Department for International Law, Human Rights 
and Treaty law
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Malmtorgsgatan 3
SE-103 39 Stockholm, SWEDEN
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Fr?n:   "Rikke Frank Joergensen" <rfj at humanrights.dk>
Till:   "Meryem Marzouki" <meryem at marzouki.info>, "Dixie Hawtin" 
<Dixie at global-partners.co.uk>
Kopia:  IRP <irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
Datum:  2011-08-01 11:36
?rende: Re: [IRP] Call: Catch up and prepare for the IGF!
S?nt av:        irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org

Hi all
I had hoped to be in Nairobi but since IGF is so early this year, and I am 
do to submit my thesis late Sept, I doubt its feasible. I think Meryems 
suggestion of having APC display coalition material is perfect.
Btw, I have included several references to the coalition work in my 
thesis.. J

TEL +45 32 69 88 05 | FAX +45 32 88 00

From: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [
mailto:irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] On Behalf Of 
Meryem Marzouki
Sent: 30. juli 2011 23:57
To: Dixie Hawtin
Subject: Re: [IRP] Call: Catch up and prepare for the IGF!
Dear Dixie and all,
Thanks for organizing this conf call. Unfortunately, I wont be able to 
participate, since my holidays starts only this week. Please note that 
I'll be participating to the IGF in Nairobi, so will be fully available 
for IRP activities (workshops etc.). Re: the booth, I would advise 
thinking twice before accepting it: yes, we do have some literature to 
display and distribute, however having a booth implies having enough 
people to stand by the booth the whole IGF duration, and I doubt we can do 
this. So, either think about sharing the booth with other groups (with 
similar interests), or consider asking an organization such as APC that 
does have its own booth and display our literature there.
Le 29 juil. 2011 ? 13:01, Dixie Hawtin a ?crit :

Hi IRPers,
All has been fairly quiet on the IRP list over the past couple of months. 
However, things have bubbling away below the surface. Now is the time to 
have a catch up about where we are at on various initiatives and to plan 
ahead so that the IRP can make a big splash at the 2011 IGF in Kenya! We 
are going to have a conference call next week to discuss the IGF ? please 
fill in this doodle poll to let us know what time you can make. THE POLL 
Doodle poll: http://www.doodle.com/xat9322bxgu4pd76
Look forward to speaking to you soon, Dixie
Agenda for the call
The IRP Coalition has already achieved a lot since the 2010 IGF, we have:
?         written a Version 1.1 of the Charter
?         written the 10 Internet Rights and Principles
?         Started issuing (and signing on to) statements about relevant 
?         consulted the Council of Europe about our Charter work
?         delivered a workshop at Eurodig called ?Making the Internet work 
for Human Rights?
We also have a number of ongoing initiatives:
?         An Explanatory Document for the Charter. Toby Mendel of the 
Centre for Law and Democracy is writing a document to accompany the 
Charter which will outline legal sources of the articles of the Charter. 
It should therefore be a useful tool for advocacy initiatives to promote 
human rights on the Internet. This will be sent around in the next couple 
of weeks for discussion.
?         A Charter Version 2.0 ? we need to incorporate suggestions from 
the Council of Europe and from the Centre for Law and Democracy into the 
Charter. How should we do this and what other amendments are necessary?
?         A new website ? Robert Bodle is putting together a new 
interactive website to promote the IRP and our work and issues. What 
belongs on the website?
?         TedX Harlem ? Lee McKnight is arranging for the IRP to be 
included as part of a TedX talk in Harlem. Who wants to be involved in 
On top of that the Kenya IGF is fast approaching and there are a number of 
things that the Coalition should prepare:
?         Our IRP meeting: this is the main occasion to showcase IRP work 
and issues to the broader Internet Governance world, to recruit new 
members and ensure that important issues are aired. How can we use this 
space most effectively?
?         The IRP is jointly organizing (with Ben Wagner) a workshop 
looking at the export of surveillance technologies. The idea is that the 
Charter will be a framing device for thinking about how to address a 
concrete real human rights issue ? and to think about what (if anything) 
can be done to address it. Who would like to be involved in this workshop?
?         An IRP booth: the IRP have been offered a booth at the IGF if we 
want it. I think this would be a great opportunity to display our banner, 
and our literature (we have loads of punchy principles to hand out!). What 
else could we put in our booth?
?         There is a possibility that the IRP may jointly organize (with 
FGV) a workshop looking at different sets of principles (including the 
Charter) to compare and contrast different principles, analyzing the pros 
and cons of different approaches and to what extent they represent key 
values. Provided it goes ahead, who wants to be involved in organising 
this workshop?
?         The IRP should have a separate internal meeting whilst many of 
us are in Kenya to discuss the structure of the Coalition (and how to 
elect a new chair) and strategising for the future.
Anything else?
Dixie Hawtin
Project Coordinator, Freedom of Expression and Communications Global 
Partners and Associates
338 City Road, London, EC1V 2PY, UK
Office: + 44 207 239 8251 
mailto:dixie at global-partners.co.uk
IRP mailing list
IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
Meryem Marzouki - Paris, France
Email: meryem at marzouki.info
Lab. LIP6/CNRS/UPMC - www-polytic.lip6.fr
IRIS (Imaginons un r?seau Internet solidaire) - www.iris.sgdg.org
EDRI (European Digital Rights) - www.edri.org
IRP mailing list
IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org

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