[IRP] Ang. IRP internal meeting.

johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se johan.hallenborg
Thu Sep 16 10:24:48 EEST 2010

I am available, and will be there.

?mnessakkunnig/Special Adviser
Department for International Law, Human Rights 
and Treaty law
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Malmtorgsgatan 3
SE-103 39 Stockholm, SWEDEN
tel: +46 8 405 5573
mobile: +46 76 277 3284
fax: +46 8 723 11 76

shaila mistry <shailam at yahoo.com>
IRP <irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
2010-09-16 09:44
[IRP] IRP internal meeting.

Hi all Lisa and I were hoping to hold an internal meeting at 4.30 today.
Can we gather in the cafe and find a spot 
please email to confirm availability :) 
IRP mailing list
IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org

F?r milj?ns skull ? skriv inte ut detta meddelande i on?dan

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