[IRP] Meeting minutes, flyer and arrangements for IGF

Lisa Horner LisaH
Wed Sep 8 15:55:38 EEST 2010

Hi all

Thanks again to those who joined the call yesterday.  We had Marianne, Shaila, Johan, Wolfgang and me.

We agreed on the agenda for our INTERNAL BUSINESS MEETING.  That will be on TUESDAY 14th Sept at 14.00 in ROOM 8.  There will be remote participation via the IGF website.  For those in Vilnius, please grab your lunch beforehand, and then come to the meeting at 14.00.  We'll be discussing our strategy for the coalition and for the Charter - it's important that as many people join as possible so please come along!

The main topic of conversation was our workshop at the IGF ( WEDNESDAY 15th Sept, 9.00).  We refined the agenda that I sent through before - I've pasted the new version below.  We agreed there was a lot to cram into the session - we'll see how we progress and may have to chop some items off if we don't have time.  We agreed it would be really nice to have as many people speaking out from the coalition during the workshop as possible...in particular, we need people to give very short introductions to the different topics:

-          Background and history of the coalition

-          The background to the Charter

-          How we plan to take it forward

-          A2K and copyright

-          Privacy

-          Mobile internet

-          If we have time: whether there's a right to access.

Please let me know if you'd like to take the lead with any of these subjects, or if you know good experts that we can invite to discuss.

We also discussed the possibility to hold a further meeting towards the end of the IGF to collect final inputs on the Charter and to debrief each other.  We'll confirm that at the business meeting.

I've drafted a flyer for  our workshop (attached).  Please let me know if you'd like to make any changes to it by this time tomorrow, at which point I'd encourage everyone to send it far and wide.

Really looking forward to what should be an exciting and productive IGF!

All the best

Workshop Agenda
09.00-11.00, Wednesday 15th September (Day 2), Room 9

1)      Introduction to the coalition (5 mins)

a.       Brief background and history.

b.      Aims, working methods, ambitions.

2)      Human rights at the IGF (10 mins)

a.       "Strategy" as defined in business meeting.

b.      Human rights at the regional IGFs report - Dixie Hawtin.

3)      The Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet (1h45)

a.       Introduction and background - Max? APC? (5 mins)

b.      Taking it forward after the IGF (update from business meeting). (5 mins) Who?

c.       Consultation on the Charter.

                                                                  i.      Brief presentation on the contents and nature of the Charter (Wolfgang Benedek - 10 mins)

                                                                ii.      Broad questions and comments. (10 mins)

                                                               iii.      Discussion on scope of the Charter: Anything missing? Anything to be taken out? (15 mins)

                                                              iv.      Specific issues for discussion: (45 mins)

1.       IP and A2K: Balancing need for copyright with access to knowledge. - Henrik or Anja?

2.       Mobile internet - what new issues are raised?  - who?

3.       Privacy: - who?

General concerns

Anonymity: Relationship to security, privacy and free expression.

Digital identity: Definition, and relationship with privacy, security. Should there be a right to forget?

4.       Right to access: Is it a right? Adding meaningful access.

                                                                v.      Quick polls on other outstanding issues (10 mins) (if we have time...)

1.       Internet or internet

2.       Name of Charter

3.       MDGs

4)      Wrap up and close (5 mins)

Facilitation: Lisa Horner, Coalition Chair / Global Partners & Associates

Remote moderation: Marianne Franklin, Goldsmiths University

Lisa Horner
Head of Research & Policy  Global Partners and Associates
338 City Road, London, EC1V 2PY, UK
Office: + 44 207 239 8251     Mobile: +44 7867 795859
LisaH at global-partners.co.uk<mailto:lisah at global-partners.co.uk>  www.global-partners.co.uk<http://www.global-partners.co.uk/>

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