[IRP] If web-platforms are "criminally responsible for content that users upload" "the Web as we know it will cease to exist"

Andrea Glorioso andrea
Wed Feb 24 22:59:16 EET 2010

Don, all,

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 06:37:51AM +1100, Don Cameron wrote:
> I would need to read the court transcripts before venturing an opinion on
> this - Google is notorious for privacy invasive practice and it certainly
> wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibly to suspect that Google execs had
> knowledge of this criminally neglect video, yet failed to act until notified
> by Police.
> A blog post on GooglePublicPolicy is probably not the best reference - Is
> the court transcript available?

What is available at the moment is just the decision, not the motivation,
which should be made public in maximum 30 days.

Indeed, it is surprising to read already so many comments on a decision
whose rationale is unknown.


     Andrea Glorioso  (M: +32-488-409-055  F: +39-051-930-31-133)
  * Le opinioni espresse in questa mail sono del tutto personali *
      * The opinions expressed here are absolutely personal *

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