[IRP] [Fwd: FYI: Translation of Brazilian Bill Propostion on Civil Rights Framework for Internet]

Jac sm Kee jac
Fri Apr 23 14:04:01 EEST 2010

fyi, since the civil rights regulatory framework was raised in this 
space earlier.


-------- Original Message --------

2010/4/22 Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>:
> Dear all,
> In order to contribute to the debate about Internet regulation in the
> international community, we have translated the text of the Civil Rights
> regulatory framework into English. In accordance with the principles that
> framed the whole process, it was translated in a collaborative manner, using
> a cloudweb online based tool.
> Please find the pdf, doc and txt versions here:
> http://culturadigital.br/marcocivil/2010/04/20/draft-bill-propostion-on-civil-rights-framework-for-internet-in-brazil/
> A Spanish translation is also expected, if you are willing to help, you can
> either forward this call among Spanish native speakers, get in contact with
> me (mariliamaciel at gmail.com) or contact us through the hashtag #marcocivil.
> Best wishes,
> Mar?lia
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As you may have heard, Brazil is going through a very special (and unique)
>> phase of the regulation of Internet in the country. In the end of 2009, a
>> process of public consultation to collaboratively elaborate a civil-rights
>> based regulatory framework for internet in Brazil has been put forth by the
>> Ministry of Justice (MJ), with the support of the Center for Technology and
>> Society (CTS) of the Getulio Vargas Foundation.
>> This collaborative process substitutes very dangerous attempts to regulate
>> the Internet from a criminal standpoint . The more widely known bill was
>> called law Azeredo, which disregarded privacy concerns and criminalized
>> socially accepted behaviors. The result would be massive criminalization of
>> the population and a draconian protection of copyright.
>> A platform has been created specially for people to comment of the
>> proposal of civil framework. On the first phase of the consultation people
>> had to comment on a text about general principles and issues. Those comments
>> were read and systematized by MJ and CTS and have based the creation of a
>> draft bill. This bill has been made available online today. It is under a
>> second phase of public consultation, which will last for 45 days. The
>> suggestions will be again systematized and incorporated to the bill, which
>> will then be present to our Congress for discussion. Some points of this
>> process need to be highlighted:
>> 1-      This is a unique process of public consultation. There has never
>> been such a wide and open possibility for society to be heard about a new
>> regulation. Participation on the first phase came from civil society,
>> business sector and governments organizations.
>> 2-       This is a pilot-experiment, that can be used in the future to
>> discuss other law proposals. In this sense, Brazil is making a huge step
>> towards the improvement of e-participation and e-democracy.
>> 3-      The battle is just beginning. There is a long way until the bill
>> is approved. But we would not have come this far without a vibrant civil
>> society movement who has said ?no? to laws like ?Azeredo law? and has made
>> protests and campaigns throughout the country, both online and offline.
>> I would like to share with you the link to the platform. Although the text
>> of the bill is only in Portuguese, we are already working on its translation
>> in order to give it publicity outside Brazil.
>> http://culturadigital.br/marcocivil/
>> This is a very important day for the Brazilian Internet users and I would
>> like to share the good news with you.
>> Best wishes,
>> Mar?lia
>> --
>> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
>> FGV Direito Rio
>> Center of Technology and Society
>> Getulio Vargas Foundation
>> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
> --
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
> FGV Direito Rio
> Center of Technology and Society
> Getulio Vargas Foundation
> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Translate this email: http://translate.google.com/translate_t

Jac sm Kee
Association of Progressive Communications, Women's Networking Support 
Programme (APC WNSP)

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