[IRP] We Must Protect Net Neutrality in Europe! - Open letterto the European Parliament

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl
Sun Sep 20 13:21:21 EEST 2009

 "Meryem Marzouki" <marzouki at ras.eu.org> wrote:

> I have absolutely no intention to oppose the signature of this text  in 
> case there is a consensus on this, but I would never sign a  statement 
> stating: "Except in some authoritarian regimes, everyone  around the globe 
> has access to the same Internet, and even the  smallest entrepreneurs are 
> on equal footing with the leading global  enterprises." That is simply not 
> true.

I agree with you that the statement is mis-written (both in the English and 
the French version) and contains inaccuracies, but the jist of the statement 
is that it promotes network neutrality - whatever definition of network 
neutrality you give it.
I feel that far from hurting efforts to keep the Internet as open as 
possible, signing this note will promote the Internet that we know and like. 
In an effort to make this statement better and more beffitting with reality, 
perhaps should we email the statement organisers at signature [at] 
laquadrature . net  with our comments?

Kind regards,


Olivier MJ Cr?pin-Leblond, PhD

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