[IRP] [Rights] *Corrected* access data for Thursday and Fridaycalls (Oct. 15 & 16)

M.I.Franklin M.I.Franklin
Thu Oct 15 16:08:22 EEST 2009

Hi Lisa

My apologies for not being clear; I certainly was working on the assumption 
that anyone could edit any section if they see fit. My 'point of order' 
query was more about at what point the editing may need to stop in terms of 
something to present to the IGF. Second, as to which list is for general 
comments on the document as a whole vs. background to what people 
edited/reworded as they did..


--On 15 October 2009 13:57 +0100 Lisa Horner <lisa at global-partners.co.uk> 

> Hi all
> I'm so sorry but I'm not going to be able to make the call now.
> Please do keep us in the loop about what you discuss.
> I did some minor edits on the wiki this morning, but since saw Marianne's
> email about owning certain aspects of the charter and discussing changes
> on the list rather than directly editing the wiki.  I thought that people
> committing to editing certain sections didn't preclude others form
> contributing.  Sorry if I got the procedure wrong....
> I'd also be interested in any comments about the detail that we want to
> go into/feel is useful, and about the comments about tone/guidelines for
> balancing rights that I sent through earlier.
> Sorry for not being able to make it.
> All the best,
> Lisa
> __________________________________________________
> From: rights-bounces at lists.apc.org on behalf of Robert Bodle
> Sent: Wed 14/10/2009 22:57
> To: Internet Rights Discussion Group;
> Irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
> Subject: [Rights] [IRP] *Corrected* access data for Thursday and
> Fridaycalls (Oct. 15 & 16)
> (sorry for crossposts/redundancy)
> Sorry everyone, I made mistake on the meeting time for Thursday's call
> (its to be held at 9am EST not 6am). Thank you for your patience.
> Here now is the correct and hopefully improved info for our two meeting
> times. Talk soon.
> ========================================================
> You have scheduled a conference for:
> 9:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time US on Thursday October 15, 2009
> for Skype call: +9900827042115958
> Call US Toll:
> Conference Room Number: 2115958
>  United States: +1 (201) 793-9022
>  Canada: +1 (201) 793-9022
> ========================================================
>    12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (US) on Friday October 16, 2009
> on Skype call:  +9900827042115958
> Call Domestic Toll:
> Conference Room Number: 2115958
> United States: +1 (201) 793-9022
>  Canada: +1 (201) 793-9022
> Managing the Conference Call
> The following commands may be used by the moderator during the conference
> call:
> *1 Play menu of features so you know what's available
> *2 Mute/Unmute your own line so other people can't hear you talking
> *5 Hear the number of callers who are on the conference
> *6 Lock/Unlock the conference so no other callers can join
> *7 Record the conference
> *8 Mute/Unmute all participants except moderators - lecture mode
># 1 Entry/exit beeps (both on/both off)
># 3 Roll call of participants (if enabled)

Dr Marianne Franklin
Reader/Convener of the Transnational Communications & Global Media Program
Media & Communications
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross
London SE14 6NW
United Kingdom
Tel (direct): #44 (0)207 919-7072
Fax: #44 (0) 207 919-7616
email: m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk

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