[IRP] (charter) next steps: planning and coordination meeting #2 for the charter update/drafting

Emily Laidlaw emily
Tue Oct 13 16:18:51 EEST 2009

I can do 15:00 on Thursday although I will have to run at 15:30 for a


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Bodle, Robert <Robert_Bodle at mail.msj.edu>wrote:

> Hello again,
> Should we add a Thursday meeting to better accommodate all of us? perhaps
> either at 15:00 or 17.00 CET (6am or 8am PST; 9am or 11am EST)? (Thurs is
> terrible for me, but I can try to set up call and pop out quickly with
> someone else facilitating). Let me know what time is best for most and I?ll
> try to set up (details on skype/call-in conference to follow).
> Perhaps Eastern states can also set up another call to better accommodate
> their time zones.
> Tentative agenda: ?Perhaps people could agree to review all the changes
> that have been made before the call(s), make their edits and come prepared
> to raise any issues they've spotted? (Lisa?s suggestion).
> 1.      raise issues - comments and concerns of edits to Section I.
> 2.      discuss ways of approaching Section II.
> Best,
> Robert
> ________________________________________
> From: Bodle, Robert
> Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 1:02 PM
> To: Max Senges; irp; Rights at lists.apc.org
> Cc: Lisa Horner; Anriette Esterhuysen; Emily Laidlaw; Lauren Movius; shaila
> mistry; Jac sm Kee; Bertrand de La Chapelle; wolfgang.benedek;
> fouadbajwa at gmail.com
> Subject: (charter) next steps: planning and coordination meeting #2 for the
> charter update/drafting
>  Hello everyone,
> I'd like to follow up with information about our next meeting regarding the
> drafting of the Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the Internet.
> I suggest we meet this Friday at 18.00 CET (9am PST; 12EST), please confirm
> whether you can come.
> I will setup a skype/call-in conference call in the next few days.
> Best,
> Robert
> --
> Robert Bodle, PhD
> Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
> Division of Arts and Humanities
> College of Mount St. Joseph
> Cincinnati, Ohio 45233
> (513) 244-4829 (office)
> robert_bodle at mail.msj.edu
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