[IRP] [Rights] WE NEED YOU - crucial phase of drafting Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the Internet

Jaco Aizenman skorpio
Sun Oct 4 21:22:23 EEST 2009

I agree with Ian comments on what specifically has to be a right and what
not....   (end to end, net netutrality, etc...).
It has to be *short, easy and covering everything that has to be covered*.
That?s why the Costa Rican virtual personality is short (1 sentence), easy
(4 easy words) aand covers everything:

*1. Existence*
*2. Content (data)*
*3. Presence*
*4. Projection  *

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Max Senges <maxsenges at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks
> Ian (who co-moderates the Internet Governance Caucus aka the mother of all
> IG mailing lists) makes some interesting points below. I have commented
> inline.
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 3:21 AM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
>>  Hi Max, nice to hear from you. A couple of things come to mind from you
>> writing.
>> Firstly, we have chosen speakers for Sharm main sessions who will be
>> willing to advance the rights issue. It will be good to strategise what else
>> we might be able to do to advance the cause during the meeting.
> One thing that comes to mind is that I am talking to avaaz.org I would
> like to run some sort of campaign and come with a long list of people who
> expressed that they care and are worried about their Human Rights on the
> internet.
>> Secondly, what else can we do during Sharm? I think we need to make our
>> presence felt on this issue.
>> Anyway, to the text ? I?ll have a look later and make more comments but
>> the first thing that hit me was the use of both net neutrality and end to
>> end principles. I think we have to be very careful here.
>> Both end to end and net neutrality are retrofitted concepts that some
>> people continue to defend but neither of which applies to the internet as
>> is. I think we are better off dropping both phrases as both are contentious
>> ? the internet is not end to end and never will be, and where net neutrality
>> starts to imply no traffic shaping, we are getting into network management
>> issues which we are best to avoid. The Norwegians have got it  right here ?
>> I think we need to talk about the rights to access content and applications
>> of choice, people understand that, and we avoid the technical debates and
>> opposition. Similarly with end to end ? lets express what we are trying to
>> achieve here and what the right is rather than imagining that somehow an
>> internet without firewalls is suddenly going to happen or that?s the way it
>> should be.  In other words, we have adopted catch phrases which don?t help
>> our cause and create confusion ? lets get what we are trying to achieve here
>> right!
>> Interesting point. I don't consider myself a technology expert on the
> infrastructure level. But I did discuss net neutrality on a panel at EuroDIG
> and my position is: Yes of course we need traffic management. If there is
> too many people and the lines are cogested some stuff (esp. real time apps
> like voice, etc.) need to be prioritized. But there are two important
> aspects: A) It needs to be reasonable - as in I want to know what and why:
> "your skype video has been disabled. Please continue with voice only,
> because the XYZ backbone in Chile is overloaded"
> and B) the network must be open for innovation: As long as the data can be
> transported using standard infrastructure (protokols), the net
> infrastructure and the service providers should not have the possibility to
> build walled gardens and only allow selected services. (I thought we were
> about to overcome lock-in non-interoperable enviornments like compuserve and
> AOL)
> my2cent
> Max
>> (Robert, happy for you to pass this on to the drafters ? I?ll try to get
>> to log in in a few days, but if that doesn?t happen it would be good to have
>> these thoughts considered).
>> All the best,
>> Ian Peter
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Jaco Aizenman L.
Registro de Activos Financieros - RAF
My iname is =jaco (http://xri.net/=jaco)
XDI Board member - www.xdi.org
Tel/Voicemail: 506-83461570
Costa Rica

What is an i-name?
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