[IRP] EU Greens and Pirate party work on Internet Bill of Rights

Max Senges maxsenges
Sun Dec 6 13:45:15 EET 2009

Dear Christian Engstrom, dear IRPlers

I was really happy when David J (see below) made me aware of your initiative
to work on an Internet Bill of
I am part of a multistakeholder community, which was originally called
dynamic coalition for an Internet Bill of Rights and is now called Internet
Rights and Principles (after merging with another group).

We have been deliberating and working around the theme for about 4 years now
and I believe you will find some relevant material on our website

Currently we are working on a "Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the
Internet" which is still open for community input and discussion till
Christmas. We be happy to have you participate in our community, and if you
should prefer to continue as separate effort on EU level I"d like to propose
that we coordinate our work.

Kind regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David J <alvekatt at telia.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 6:50 PM
Subject: Internet freedom - EU needs help
To: maxsenges at gmail.com

I just didn't know who to send mail to. I found this address at

The pirate MEP Christian Engstr?m could probably use your help and advice.


Thank you.

/David - who is just one person in the swarm that thought he could help
make the work for an open Internet a little more effective by possibly
bringing these people together.
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